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UNHCR welcomes Japan’s US$73.5 million contribution for refugees, displaced people

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, welcomes the Government of Japan’s funding contribution of US $73.5 million under its latest Supplementary Budget allocation to assist refugees and displaced people in 30 countries worldwide.

The UNHCR Representative in Japan, Ms. Karen Madeleine Farkas expressed her appreciation for the generous contribution.  “The monies will go to providing life-saving assistance for people forced to flee. This includes funding for the strengthening of health services and the provision of supplies to prevent the spread of COVID-19 for forcibly displaced populations and their host communities. UNHCR is grateful for the continued support of the Government of Japan and their commitment to supporting displaced people around the world.”

The funding will be spread across UNHCR operations in Africa (US$31.4 million), the Middle East (US$41.9 million) and Ukraine (US$250, 000). The financial contributions will go to protection related activities as well COVID-19 prevention efforts. It will help to support displaced populations who are especially vulnerable to risk of infection from COVID-19 and who have been affected by the socio-economic impacts of the pandemic, such as loss of jobs and livelihoods. In the Middle East, funding will also help support the Syrian emergency, in its 10th year of crisis, and will go towards providing assistance to Syrian internally displaced people, refugees and host communities in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan.

In 2020, Japan’s overall contribution was nearly US$126 million, with US$40 million contributed through the Emergency Grant Aid mechanism, making Japan UNHCR’s fifth largest donor.

In 2021, UNHCR will continue to promote the humanitarian, development and peacebuilding nexus together with the Government of Japan, JICA, and other partners and looks forward to continuing its cooperation with Japan.

UNHCR’s worldwide activities depend almost entirely on voluntary contributions, and the agency requires US$8.62 billion for its worldwide operations in 2021.


