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External Report Seminar: Launch of the Study Commissioned by UNHCR on Statelessness in Japan
“Landscape of Statelessness: International and Japanese Contexts”

1.    In order to assess the nature and scope of statelessness in Japan, UNHCR commissioned a study to Professor Kohki Abe of Kanagawa University Law School. On 22 April 2002, UNHCR Japan held a launching seminar of the Study in order to share and discuss its findings and recommendations. Approximately 70 persons attended, including staff from relevant ministries, members of parliament (MPs),  lawyers, NGOs and the general public, including media. 

2.    Mr. Johan Cels, Representative of UNHCR in Japan, delivered an opening remark. He stressed the importance of Japan’s accession to the Statelessness Conventions and the need to establish a statelessness determination procedure. He emphasized that Japan may play a significant role in supporting other States in the region in preventing and reducing statelessness.

3.    The keynote speech was delivered by Professor Yozo Yokota of Chuo Law School. Professor Yokota explained how the international legal framework developed to address the rights of stateless individuals. Professor Yokota endorsed all the recommendations made by Professor Abe, and further advocated for establishing a system where basic human rights are protected regardless of (lack of) nationality. For that purpose, Professor Yokota also called for Japan’s adoption of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) individual complaint mechanism and the establishment of an independent national human rights agency.

4.    Professor Abe subsequently explained the definition and causes of statelessness, the legal framework and the situation in Japan. He stressed his concern with respect to  the unexplored categories of people in stateless (like) situation, such as  unregistered children born in Japan and Indochinese refugees, in addition to individuals born outside Japan without any re-admission prospects. Professor Abe shared his recommendations from the Study, i.e. i) establishment of a mechanism to identify stateless cases, including adoption of a consistent definition, ii) systematic gathering of information on statelessness, iii) non-detention and granting of legal status to stateless people without solutions such as return to another country, vi) easier access to Japanese nationality for stateless persons, v) faithful observation of obligations under international human rights instruments, vi) accession to the Statelessness Conventions and consideration of establishing a region-wide forum to discuss statelessness issues.

5.    A panel discussion was held between two lawyers, an academic and an individual with experience related to statelessness. Mr. Daniel Alkhal, Senior Legal Officer of UNHCR acted as the moderator with Professor Abe acting as the commentator. Ms. Fumie Azukizawa, a lawyer representing stateless-like individuals (mainly Vietnamese second generation refugees born in Thailand) raised the issue of indefinite detention for individuals who lack any prospect to return to any relevant country. Mr. Shogo Watanabe, Secretary General, Japan Lawyers Network for Refugees (JLNR) and a lawyer representing Rohingyas also raised the issue that the absence of a system to determine (lack of) nationality affects refugee status determination. Mr. Watanabe stated that refugee claims by Rohingyas are often processed as if they hold Myanmarese citizenship and human rights violations that Rohingyas may face due to lack of citizenship are not fully recognised. Ms. Hong Hao Nguyen Thi, a Ph.D Student of Kyoto University Graduate School and also a second generation Vietnamese refugee, pointed out that the lack of understanding of the issue among the government and the public aggravates the difficulties facing stateless individuals. Ms. Nguyen Thi stated that municipalities in some instances assign a nationality on an alien registration card without verifying the actual possession of such nationality. She argued that as a result, some refugees who may be stateless are wrongly assumed to enjoy rights associated with citizenship. She also stressed the need for systematic dissemination of information on existing measures to prevent statelessness, such as the Japanese Nationality Act provision granting nationality to children of stateless parents. Ms. Nguyen Thi stressed that some refugees, who are potential beneficiaries, are simply unaware of this provision and other laws which may benefit them. Ms. Tien-shi Chen, Associate Professor of National Museum of Ethnology who also used to be stateless, shared her own experience and her activities in the “Stateless Network,” a civil society group established in 2009. She stressed the importance of mobilizing support from the public. Overall, the panel agreed that there is an urgent need for Japan to establish a statelessness determination procedure and to accede to the Statelessness Conventions, among others.