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VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT Public Information Associate, G-6

VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT Public Information Associate, G-6


Public Information Associate, G-6
Position No. 10019104

UNHCR Representation in Japan seeks a qualified professional for full-time, fixed-term appointment (one year with possible renewal), starting from October 2012.

Refer to the full Vacancy Announcement from (link is external)hereLink is external.
Refer to the Job Description for the post from (link is external)hereLink is external.

Completion of the Secondary Education with post-secondary training in Social Science, Journalism, Humanities or related field.

Work Experience
Minimum 6 years of previous relevant job experience;

Other skills
Communication and computer skills are required.

Excellent proficiency in English and Japanese is essential.
Excellent (perfect) drafting skills (English and Japanese) as well as translation and interpreting skills are very important.
Knowledge of another UN language an asset.

How to apply:
Applicants should submit the following documents by hard copy to the address below by 31 August 2012:

Administration Unit, UNHCR Representation in Japan,
Wesley Center, 6-10-11, Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku,
Tokyo 107-0062 Japan

■A completed United Nations Personal History form (P-11), in pdf or word (the P-11 form can be downloaded at: www.unhcr.org/recruit/p11new.doc)

■A Japanese CV, in any format
■A cover letter as attached document;

Note:    Applications without a fully completed P-11 cannot be considered;
Applications received after the deadline or not compliant with the instructions will not be accepted.

Please note that applications will not be acknowledged. Only applicants possessing the required qualifications will be taken into consideration. Only short listed candidates will be notified and invited to a recruitment interview.