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Joint Analytical Framework (JAF)

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The UNHCR-WFP Joint Analytical Framework (JAF) guides joint assessments and analysis to inform programmatic interventions to meet basic needs (CBI, food, NFI), and livelihoods and self-reliance programming.

Comprehensive joint analysis, guided by this framework, can support the design of evidence-based interventions, relevant for each context. The framework was developed to ensure that both agencies align their analytical approaches to understanding forcibly displaced persons ability to meet their basic needs, to inform livelihoods and self-reliance programming, and to enhance UNHCR-WFP collaboration.

The JAF should be used by UNHCR when conducting analysis on forcibly displaced persons abilities to meet their basic needs, and to inform livelihoods and self-reliance programming.

The JAF can be used in the following processes:

  • Strategic planning: To feed into UNHCR situation analysis, the development of strategic plans, and support with wider planning processes (such as Refugee Response Plans).
  • Programmatic changes: When assessment and analysis are conducted in response to significant changes in the context, which require a new response or considerable adjustments to existing programming.
  • Assessments: As a framework for analysis in multi-sectoral needs assessments, and in joint assessments with WFP.
  • Monitoring: To inform the collection and analysis of monitoring data, such as Post Distribution Monitoring.
JAF Guidance

JAF Description Document
A document with key information regarding purpose, content and audience of the JAF.

JAF Livelihoods Add-On Module Description
A document with key information regarding the purpose, content and audience of the JAF’s Livelihoods Add-On Module.

JAF Processes
A document explaining key steps and decisions including roles and responsibilities that need to be taken during the JAF process.

JAF Variables
List of variables included in the JAF diagram to inform the analysis of basic needs.

JAF Templates

For JAF Templates, please see the JAF Data Analysis Plans, and JAF Questionnaire Templates.