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Global Results Framework

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The Global Results Framework reflects the UNHCR Strategic Directions 2022-2026. It comprises four impact areas, sixteen outcome areas and five enabling areas, representing UNHCR’s mandate and areas of work. The global results framework includes core indicators at impact, outcome and output levels.

The four impact areas are Protect, Respond, Empower and Solve. They capture the long-term ‘’big picture” changes in the lives of forcibly displaced and stateless persons that UNHCR seeks to contribute to, together with other stakeholders. They represent four out of five of the UNHCR Strategic Directions. The fifth area, Include, cuts across all four impact areas and outcome areas.

Impact Area 1 – Attaining favourable protection environments (PROTECT)

  • Intended changes in the enjoyment of rights for forcibly displaced and stateless persons as a result of increasingly favourable protection conditions, including due to changes in law and policy in areas such as access to asylum, registration, status determination, documentation, human rights and provision of international protection.  
  • Changes can include preventing deteriorations. 

Impact Area 2 – Achieving basic rights in safe environments (RESPOND)

  • Intended changes in the well-being of forcibly displaced and stateless persons due to shifts in access, quality and coverage of basic services, particularly in humanitarian and emergency settings irrespective of whether these needs are met through humanitarian assistance, the inclusion into national service delivery or other means. 

Impact Area 3 – Empowering communities and achieving gender equality (EMPOWER)

  • Intended changes in protection and solutions for forcibly displaced and stateless persons as a result of community empowerment, strengthened gender equality and increased livelihood opportunities. 

Impact Area 4 – Securing solutions (SOLVE)

  • Intended changes in the enjoyment of durable and alternative pathways to solutions for forcibly and stateless persons. This includes resettlement, voluntary return, naturalization, local integration, relocation for internally displaced persons (IDPs) and complementary pathways.  

Sixteen global outcome areas

The 16 outcome areas represent UNHCR’s key areas of work towards the achievement of rights for forcibly displaced and stateless persons. They are linked to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the related SDGs which are aspirational long-term goals with the potential to transform the well-being of forcibly displaced and stateless persons. 

Five global enabling areas

UNHCR’s global results framework includes five enabling areas which encapsulate UNHCR’s management work such as fundraising, supply, oversight, human resource management, policy development, support to governance bodies, information technology, operational support, learning and financial management. Enabling area 21 is reserved for the organizational executive leadership and oversight function at the headquarters level.

Sources of data

Data source to measure UNHCR’s results on changes in the lives of forcibly displaced and stateless persons will come from a variety of sources and will be reported in line with Plan, Get and Show timelines on an annual basis. Data sources for core and good practice indicators are outlined on indicator guidance and data sources for user defined indicators needs to be defined by operations while creating them.

One of many sources of data are Results Monitoring Surveys (RMS), that facilitate and harmonise the collection and analysis of household survey-based impact and outcome level indicators from the Global Results Framework.