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Defining the analytical framework

Following the setting of agreed assessment objectives, an analytical framework for the assessment must be defined. 

An analytical framework provides a structured approach to gathering and interpreting data, guiding UNHCR staff and partners in making informed decisions.

The analytical framework guides the selection of indicators and questions, that will inform the development of the assessment methodology, and the data analysis plan.

Watch the video to learn about analytical frameworks and their importance to assessments and monitoring.

An analytical framework should be based on existing best practices, including those already developed at the global level. On this page you can access several analytical frameworks, including:

Analytical FrameworkPurpose/ Scope
UNHCR Global Results FrameworkSet of core impact, outcome, and output indicators and areas to measure UNHCR’s contribution to changes in the lives of forcibly displaced and stateless persons.
Participatory Assessment Analytical FrameworkSupports analysis of consultations to identify protection risks faced by the various groups within a community, understand their underlying causes, the existing capacities of communities to mitigate these risks and the communities’ proposed solutions, with the view to inform UNHCR’s decision-making on the design and implementation of programmes and activities.
UNHCR-WFP Joint Analytical Framework (JAF)

Supports analysis on ability to meet basic needs, livelihoods and self-reliance.

The framework aids vulnerability profiling, the targeting and prioritization of basic needs assistance (CBI, Food, NFI), livelihoods programming, and advocacy and policy work for inclusion of forcibly displaced persons into national systems.

NARE Analytical FrameworkInitial multi-sectoral needs assessment designed for emergencies. The analytical framework covers the main information needs during the initial stages of the emergency.
Protection Analytical Framework (PAF)Guides context-specific protection analysis, including drivers of protection risks and resulting needs, protection considerations for integrated response, response gaps, and severity per population group and geographic location. Developed by the Global Protection Cluster.
Statelessness Analytical FrameworkIdentify causes of statelessness, obstacles to acquisition of nationality and risks faced by stateless persons, and capacities of concerned stakeholders to minimize those risks.