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연락처 및 위치


(04631) 서울특별시 중구 퇴계로 110, 5층(회현동3가, 서울N스퀘어)

02)773-7011(대표전화), 02)773-7272(후원문의)

02)773-7014 (팩스)

[email protected] (대표메일), [email protected] (후원문의)


Information for Asylum-seekers and Refugees

· Counseling via telephone (02-773-7003) and visit is available ONLY on Monday and Wednesday,
  from 2 pm to 5 pm.

· Counseling visit is ONLY available by prior appointment. Please make your appointment by calling
  our counseling line (02-773-7003) or sending an email to our counseling email ([email protected])
  in advance.

· Counseling via email ([email protected]) is available at any time.