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الكتيبات والمواد الإرشادية

تحتوي هذه الصفحة على كافة الكتيبات والمواد الإرشادية الحديثة التي تصدرها المفوضية، وتوفر التوجيه والأدوات العملية والموارد اللازمة حول الموضوعات الرئيسية المتعلقة بعمل المفوضية حول العالم.

إذا كنت تبحث عن بيانات تتعلق بالنزوح العالمي وعمليات المفوضية، يرجى الاطلاع على صفحة البيانات على موقعنا، والتي تسرد كافة المطبوعات الرئيسية وقواعد البيانات الإحصائية الخاصة بالمفوضية، مثل الاتجاهات العالمية والتقرير العالمي ومنصة تقارير المفوضية Global Focus.

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وهو مرجع للاستجابة السريعة والفعالة والقائمة على المجتمع لحالات الطوارئ الإنسانية، وأداة لعمليات المفوضية الطارئة التي تقوم بها المنظمة وقوتها العاملة.

المواد الإرشادية


يحتوي هذا الدليل على مجموعة من المواد التعليمية للمفوضية حول اللاجئين واللجوء والهجرة، وهي موجهة لصفوف التعليم الابتدائي والثانوي، بالإضافة إلى بعض الإرشادات الخاصة بالمعلمين العاملين مع الأطفال اللاجئين في الفصول الدراسية.


تصف إجراءات المصلحة الفضلى إطار عمل المفوضية الخاص بإدارة حالات الأطفال من طالبي اللجوء واللاجئين، وتوفر إمكانية الوصول إلى مجموعة من الأدوات والتوجيهات الضرورية لتنفيذ إجراءات المصلحة الفضلى للأفراد من الأطفال.

موارد إضافية


اطلعوا على المزيد من المواد المتعلقة بالاندماج والدعم النقدي والمساواة بين الجنسين والصحة النفسية، وغيرها الكثير.



This handbook is a guide to agile, effective and community based humanitarian emergency responses. It is primarily a tool for UNHCR emergency operations and its workforce.


This handbook is a comprehensive guide for the integration of resettled refugees, with checklists, practical advice, and good practices.


This handbook defines needs assessments and outlines the roles of different actors in refugee situations. It provides detailed practical guidance on how to conduct needs assessments in the field, which can be applied to all sectors, situations, methods, and populations of concern.


This handbook is intended to guide government officials, judges, practitioners, as well as UNHCR colleagues in applying the refugee definition under the 1951 Convention and the 1967 Protocol relating to the status of refugees.


This handbook analyses the role and activities of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) in addressing the human rights dimensions of internal displacement. It provides an overview of good practices and serves as a practical tool for NHRIs and other stakeholders around the world.


This handbook offers resettlement management and policy guidance to UNHCR staff. It is a key reference tool for resettlement states and NGOs on global resettlement policy and practice.

Brazil. New shelter improves reception conditions for indigenous refugees

This pocket guide is a simple reference tool that provides key recommendations for spatial planning and design of temporary collective accommodations in the Americas, adapted to the emergency context throughout the Americas region, responding to the need for harmonization of standards in the various countries.

TCA handbook in Spanish | TCA handbook in Portuguese

This handbook guides our funded partners through UNHCR’s multi-year programme cycle, as we work together to plan, implement and monitor our programmes, to maximize positive impact on the life of forcibly displaced and stateless people.



This toolkit provides staff and managers with practical methods for the operationalization of UNHCR's accountability commitments, achieved through mainstreaming into performance management and protection and assistance delivery.


This toolkit is designed for humanitarian settings and public health actors. It offers an overall approach to practical assessment tools to be used to improve people's mental health and well-being, depending on your capacity and the phase of the humanitarian crisis.


This toolbox describes UNHCR's case management framework for asylum-seeking and refugee children. It provides access to the range of tools and guidance necessary for implementing the Best Interests Procedure (BIP) for individual children.


This toolkit describes the best practices in sheltering asylum-seeking families at the United States southern border.


This toolkit aims to assist operations in determining the feasibility of cash-based interventions (CBIs) in UNHCR country programmes. It is to be used after a needs assessment has taken place, and serves CBI practitioners in the field.


This toolkit offers practical experiences of municipal authorities and local actors in translating national policies into solutions for the effective inclusion of refugees, with refugees being fully included in their design and development. 


This toolkit offers essential guidance and resources to gender-based violence specialists and non-specialists working with or for UNHCR.


This toolkit is designed to provide UNHCR personnel with practical guidance and user-friendly tools, tips, information and resources to support the achievement of gender equality.



This toolkit presents learning resources on child protection for all UNHCR child protection workforce, protection staff and other staff as relevant. Please note that registration is required for non-UNHCR staff to access the materials, which are regularly updated.


UNHCR and WFP have jointly developed this toolkit to help humanitarian actors and cash recipients identify and mitigate risks of abuse of power in cash-based assistance.


This toolkit provides step-by-step guidance and tools to enable staff with limited skills in market data collection and analysis to successfully carry out a multi-sector market assessment and market monitoring – to be applied in all operational contexts.


This toolkit brings together worldwide expertise on cash-based interventions. It provides comprehensive and practical guidance for humanitarian actors to assess the feasibility, conceptualize the design and structure the implementation of MPGs.


This toolkit aims to harness the power of sport to strengthen the protection, development and empowerment environments for refugee and internally displaced young people. It guides the work of the Olympic Refugee Foundation and is intended for organizations and stakeholders.


UNHCR and IOM have jointly developed this comprehensive training package on the protection of people with diverse SOGIESC for personnel as well as the broader humanitarian community.


This toolkit includes guidance, templates, a workshop guide and examples from the field to develop and implement Standard Operating Procedures for BIP (Best Interest Procedures for refugee and asylum-seeking children). 


This toolkit contains a collection of UNHCR teaching materials on refugees, asylum and migration for primary and secondary education, as well as some guidance for teachers working with refugee children in the classroom.