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UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency in Ukraine

Eurasia BC, 75 Zhylyanska St., Kyiv 01032, Ukraine

Теl: +38(044) 288 9710

If you need information or assistance from UNHCR, please find the relevant contact details below.


Information & Assistance

Help for People Outside Ukraine

If you are looking for UNHCR information in other countries, please visit the HELP pages of those countries.

If you are considering returning to Ukraine, visit (link is external)Ukraine is HomeLink is external page. 


Help for War-Affected People, Refugees, and Asylum Seekers in Ukraine

Information for refugees and asylum seekers: Visit the UNHCR Ukraine Help Page.

Humanitarian assistance in Ukraine: Find services through the (link is external)Ukraine Services AdvisorLink is external.


Contact UNHCR Ukraine

Currently, UNHCR is not able to receive walk-in requests at our physical office locations, please see below on how to contact us:

For Internally Displaced Persons, War-Affected People, and Returnees
📞 Hotline: 0-800-307-711 (Mon-Fri, 9:00-18:00) 
📧 Email:

Due to the high volume of requests and security situation, responses may take some time.

For Refugees and Asylum Seekers
📞 UNHCR Ukraine Hotline: 0-800-307-711 (Mon-Fri, 9:00-18:00) 
📧 Email: 

For Media inquiries:
📧 Elisabeth Haslund (international spokesperson):

📧 Iryna Tymchyshyn (national spokesperson): 


Feedback, Complaints & Reports

General Complaints, Suggestions, Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Reports 

 📞 Hotline: 0-800-307-711 (Mon-Fri, 9:00-18:00) 
📧 Email:

📧 Email UNHCR Inspector General: 
🔗 Online Complaint Form: 

Misconduct reporting guidelines are available in multiple languages below: 

All information is processed CONFIDENTIALLY.