
UNHCR operates as part of the inter-agency humanitarian response, working in close coordination with local authorities and humanitarian partners. UNHCR is leading three clusters – Protection, Shelter and NFIs, and Camp Coordination Camp Management (CCCM).
Protection Cluster
UNHCR leads the Protection Cluster in Ukraine, alongside Right to Protection (R2P) as co-chair.
Key figures
UN agencies, national and international NGOs
East (Dnipro Field Office), South (Odessa Field Office) and Central-West (Kyiv Country Office)
people reached with protection services collectively in 2024
people reached under protection in 2024
Objectives for 2025
Cluster Objective 1: Ensure vulnerable IDPs and non-displaced war-affected people at heightened risk are provided with principled and inclusive protection assistance and services to address rights violations.
Cluster Objective 2: Enable equitable access to rights and public services for IDPs and non-displaced war-affected through protection interventions aimed at strengthening protection environment and capacity of service providers and communities themselves.
Key activities
- Case management.
- Psychosocial support.
- Legal assistance.
- Protection counselling and protection monitoring.
- Referral to specialized services and transportation.
- Individual protection assistance (cash & in-kind).
- Hotlines.
- Advocacy, assessments, awareness-raising, capacity building, community-based protection, and support to service providers.
Dashboards, tools and important links
- Protection Cluster 2025 Partners Achievements Dashboard.
- Services Advisor Platform.
- Protection Monitoring at the Community Level Tool Dashboard.
- Protection Cluster Hub Factsheets: East | South | Central-West.
- Protection Cluster Quarterly Newsletter: June | September 2024.
- Ukraine Protection Analysis Update 2024.
- Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan 2025 (Page 59-68).
- Protection Cluster Upcoming Events & Coordination Meetings.
- Protection Cluster Newsletter № 3 (October - December 2024)
Visit Protection Cluster webpage for more publications, information and resources.
Subscribe to Protection Cluster Mailing Lists.
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Shelter and Non-Food Item (SNFI) Cluster
UNHCR leads coordination of the SNFI Cluster in Ukraine, alongside the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) as nation co-chair and People in Need as co-chair in the Eastern hub.
Key figures
UN agencies, national and international NGOs
coordination hubs in Dnipro, Kyiv, Lviv and Vinnytsia
people reached collectively in 2022
people reached with NFI support for households, collective sites and bomb shelters
people benefitted from emergency shelter assistance and house repairs
people supported with winterization assistance in 2022-2023
Objectives for 2023
In 2023, SNFI Cluster has two sectoral objectives that work together, in a complementary and mutually reinforcing way to ensure provision of shelter assistance and essential NFI support:
- to provide shelter assistance responding to needs of IDPs, people who remain in war-affected areas and returnees. This includes consideration of cross-cutting themes such as protection, inclusion, accountability to affected populations (AAP), housing, land and property (HLP), and environmental issues
- to provide essential NFI support based on needs for IDPs, people who remain at home, and returnees at the household level, including those residing in collective sites (CSs). Implementation of this objective will include efforts to promote a greener NFI response
Key activities
- emergency shelter support
- temporary housing
- light and medium housing repairs (cash and in-kind)
- heavy repairs
- refurbishment of collective sites, rental support and hosting family support
- provision of NFI kits for collective sites, households and bomb shelters
- provision of winter specific NFIs including clothes and heating, as well as support for winter energy needs (cash and in-kind)
Latest documents
Visit Shelter, NFI Cluster webpageLink is external for more information and resources.
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Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) Cluster
UNHCR leads the CCCM Cluster in Ukraine, which was activated in March 2022 following the escalation of the war in Ukraine.
Key figures
international and national partners
people reached in collective centres in 2022
people are planned to be reached in 2023
regional hubs in Kyiv, Lviv, Vinnytsia, Dnipro
The overall objective of the CCCM Cluster in Ukraine is to ensure a coordinated multi-sectoral response and operationalized data for protection and assistance to IDPs residing in communal settings, improving their quality of life and dignity during displacement, while advocating for transitional and durable solutions. The Cluster works to ensure that needs of communities are at the centre of the response, while minimum CCCM and SPHERE standardsLink is external are met, and local capacity is developed.
Objectives for 2023
- improve living conditions in collective sites through enhanced site coordination and management, including facilitating multi-sectoral assistance by humanitarian actors, in support of government and other local site managers;
- strengthen self-organization of displaced populations in collective sites and improve access to information, in order to strengthen IDP mobilisation, participation and leadership in collective sites; and
- build the capacities of the Cluster partners and relevant stakeholders, including national actors, authorities at all levels, and site managers, to strengthen the protection environment for IDPs in the collective sites, ensure access to basic services, and multi-sectoral humanitarian response. Key activities include site monitoring through the Collective Site Monitoring (CSM) tool; establishing site management support teams, CCCM systems, community projects, and feedback and complaint mechanisms; and conducting capacity building for site managers and other stakeholders.
Latest documents
Visit CCCM Cluster webpage for more information and resources.