Refugee Advisory Group
Refugee Advisory Group

Members of the Refugee Advisory Group at the 2024 Consultations on Resettlement and Complementary Pathways (CRCP).
Established in 2020, the Refugee Advisory Group is the main representative body of regional, national and global refugee representatives influencing policy decision-making on resettlement and complementary pathways at the Consultations on Resettlement and Complementary Pathways (CRCP), formerly the Annual Tripartite Consultations on Resettlement (ATCR).
The Refugee Advisory Group plays a critical advisory role in the CRCP planning cycle, working closely with the Co-Chairs and the global refugee community. Focusing on collaboration and partnership, it works closely with States, UNHCR, NGOs, and other CRCP stakeholders to facilitate effective and sustainable resettlement discussions.
Mission and objectives
The Refugee Advisory Group's core mission is to create a platform for refugee experts and refugee-led organizations (RLOs) to actively engage in the planning and realization of the CRCP's objectives in close partnership with UNHCR and the CRCP Co-Chairs. It is committed to promoting meaningful refugee participation in decision-making processes affecting their lives. To achieve this mission, it has set clear objectives guiding the work of the group:
- Serve as a bridge between the CRCP community and global refugee communities, facilitating open communication and collaboration.
- Coordinate the meaningful participation of refugees and RLOs in the Working Group on Resettlement and CRCP, providing them with a voice in shaping policies.
- Strive to influence the work of CRCP participants, particularly in the design and implementation of better resettlement policies and commitments.
The group includes members that have experienced resettlement/complementary pathways or have professional knowledge of related programs and processes in addition to their lived experience of forced displacement. The composition of the group includes:
- members from global and regional refugee networks;
- members from local and national refugee networks; and
- independent refugee advocates and experts.