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Risk management

Risk management

From climate disasters to sudden emergencies, UNHCR must be ready to respond swiftly to the unexpected. Risks of violence, insecurity, fraud, and other daily challenges impact both the people we serve and our operations.
A UNHCR staff member talks to families in a crowded area

Risk management helps us think ahead to identify and address potential threats and seize opportunities to ensure the smooth delivery of our programmes. By managing risks proactively, we prevent problems, respond to crises more effectively, and enhance the chances of success of our projects.

We help ensure that contributions are used responsibly, which is crucial to uphold the trust placed in us by those we work for and with, and our partners and Member States.

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Risk management brochure

This document outlines the vision, objectives and next steps of risk management at UNHCR.

Download the brochure


“The commitment to protecting people forced to flee, our personnel and the resources that are entrusted to us, entails taking the right risks and managing them proactively and efficiently.”

Filippo Grandi, UN High Commissioner for Refugees


Promoting strong risk management in UNHCR

Everyone in UNHCR plays a critical role in identifying, assessing, mitigating risks and seizing opportunities. The policy on risk management in UNHCR guides colleagues in considering risks and opportunities systematically when making important decisions and plans.

UNHCR actively manages risks at country, regional, and global levels. Each operation, regional bureau and headquarter entity has a risk register used to track risks and actions to address them, which is regularly reviewed and updated. Meanwhile, the High Commissioner owns the Strategic Risk Register, capturing organization-wide risks to help UNHCR respond to the most significant challenges it faces. 

This systematic approach allows UNHCR to better anticipate challenges and to prepare with the best available knowledge. Through a shared understanding across all operations on how to assess and take appropriate risks while also pursuing opportunities, UNHCR aims to foster a strong risk management culture in all operational and management areas. This means: 

  • We share an understanding of our key risks and how to tackle them. 

  • We systematically consider risks and opportunities and embed risk management into our day-to-day work.  

  • We consider our longer-term challenges alongside more immediate risks and use risk analysis to shape our strategies and responses. 

  • We feel empowered to raise concerns and are confident that managers will listen and act. 

  • We learn from past experiences – good and bad – to improve our results. 

These positive behaviours help us to maximize our ability to deliver on our mandate.

How we work

Over time, UNHCR has significantly enhanced its risk management practices, strengthening the integrity of UNHCR’s programmes. UNHCR has a robust central risk management function that leads the efforts to embed risk management into the organization’s day-to-day work.

The Enterprise Risk Management Service is headed by the Chief Risk Officer and is responsible for bringing forward the risk management framework, offering expert guidance, and building risk management capacity. 

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Enhancing its impact across the organization, the Enterprise Risk Management Service is supported by a network of approximately 20 specialized colleagues who focus on managing the risks faced by refugees and those inherent to our work in regional bureaux and high-risk country operations. These skilled professionals bring together a blend of expertise and operational experience to provide targeted support where it is needed most.  

In addition, the impact of risk management is felt across the organization through a dynamic risk community of over 300 Risk focal points in every country operation and headquarter entity. 


“Risk management is everyone's responsibility”

Capacity building

UNHCR’s commitment to continuous capacity building extends to both personnel and partners. Risk management learning opportunities include themes such as reputational risk management and crisis communications, risk-informed decision-making, and fraud risk management. 

Going forward, UNHCR will continue to strive for risk management to be flexible, responsive, and adapted to fit organizational needs, so that everyone, wherever they are, thinks and acts on risks and opportunities in their daily work. We will continue to innovate and adapt to remain effective and resilient in a global environment shaped by growing instability, complex crises, and shifting geopolitical dynamics. 

Online course: Managing risks and opportunities at UNHCR

This online course is available on the UN Partner Portal so that partners can improve their knowledge and skills.

(link is external)Access the courseLink is external

Contact us

For any further information, please contact the Enterprise Risk Management Service at