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Supporting refugees in the UK

Supporting refugees in the UK

Refugees and asylum seekers can face a number of challenges as they make their lives in the UK, but there are lots of ways that you can offer support.

Find out more about how you can make a difference to refugees living in the UK.
Mohammad and family
Mohammad, left, pictured with his sister Aisha, younger brother Oweis, and father Mohammed at their new home in Edinburgh, Scotland

Help with accomodation and integration

We've been moved by the large number of people generously offering to share their homes with refugees. We can't assist with these kind of requests, but there are other organisations which may be able to help.

In response to a public groundswell of support for refugees, the Home Office has launched the “Help Refugees in the UK” (link is external)webpageLink is external to help ensure that support is focused on the goods and services that refugees need most. The Home Office has more information about how you can help refugees (link is external)hereLink is external.  

If you are interested in providing housing to asylum seekers whose claims have been refused, or to someone who has recently been granted refugee status, you can get in touch with (link is external)Room for RefugeesLink is external(link is external)NACCOMLink is external or (link is external)Refugees at HomeLink is external.

Those based in London who have a spare room they would like to rent to a refugee may be interested in the Refugee Council's (link is external)Rent Guarantee SchemeLink is external. Alternatively, if you represent a community organisation or charity, you can now support resettled refugees through (link is external)community sponsorshipLink is external.


UNHCR does not take on volunteers in our UK office, but there are many refugee organisations across the country which depend on the support of volunteers, including:
(link is external)British Red CrossLink is external 
(link is external)Refugee ActionLink is external 
(link is external)Refugee CouncilLink is external
(link is external)Scottish Refugee CouncilLink is external
(link is external)Welsh Refugee CouncilLink is external 

Get informed. Share the facts.

People often have misconceptions about refugees and asylum seekers and sometimes fail to recognise their huge contribution to the UK. You can help change this by staying informed and sharing the facts. Find out more about asylum in the UK, follow us on (link is external)TwitterLink is external and (link is external)FacebookLink is external, and read our latest report to keep up-to-date.

For more information on helping refugees in the UK, visit the (link is external)Home Office websiteLink is external