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Together we can make a difference for people forced to flee.
UNHCR staff distribute core relief items to refugees and migrants in Tripoli, Libya.

UNHCR is on the ground in 136 countries. We employ 20,305 people who deliver life-saving aid, advocate for the fundamental human rights of people forced to flee, and help those living in limbo to access health care, education and livelihoods.

To protect the world’s most vulnerable, UNHCR also purchases goods and services worldwide.​ This might range from buying fleets of heavy-duty vehicles needed in some of the most remote corners of the world, to purchasing needles and thread for a jobs creation project in an urban city.

Thanks to our global network of suppliers and our dedicated staff, we can launch an emergency operation within 72 hours, and each year we provide support for millions of people who have fled conflict and persecution.

As of December 2021, Malawi hosts 52,678 persons of concern (PoCs) to UNHCR. The majority live in the Dzaleka refugee camp located in the Dowa district, some 41 kilometres away from the capital Lilongwe.  

A UNHCR staff member checks on supplies being loaded onto a flight to Burkina Faso.
To protect the world’s most vulnerable people, UNHCR purchases goods and services worldwide. UNHCR also hires consultants and specialized companies and their staff for projects.

Learn more about how to do business with us.

With a representation office in Addis Ababa, UNHCR has a robust field presence including in Afar, Amhara, Benishangul-Gumuz, Gambella, Oromia, Somali and Tigray regions as well as in the eastern city of Dire Dawa. The Ethiopia operation focuses on emergency response to the different IDP situations, addressing protection needs of refugees and promoting their self-reliance in line with the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR).