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Become a supplier

Refugees wait in lines near a UNHCR-branded truck to collect boxes of supplies.

Relief items are distributed to newly arrived Sudanese refugees in Chad.

To protect and provide solutions to people forced to flee, UNHCR must anticipate, plan, source and purchase goods and services in a timely, efficient and sustainable manner.

This might range from buying fleets of heavy-duty vehicles needed in some of the most remote corners of the world to purchasing needles and thread for a jobs creation project in an urban city. 

UNHCR also hires consultants and specialized companies and their staff for projects. Learn how to do business with us.

Procurement protest

UNHCR takes all complaints extremely seriously and has installed an appeals process.

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Contract awards

Find out how UNHCR decides to award specific suppliers with a contract worth US$ 40,000 or more.

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General terms and conditions

The general conditions ensure that United Nations contracts maintain uniform provisions relating to the status and the privileges and immunities of the organization.

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Frame agreements

We have signed long-term agreements with a wide range of companies for items that UNHCR staff use every day.

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Contact us

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