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World Refugee Day 2003 National Activity Plan: Costa Rica

World Refugee Day 2003 National Activity Plan: Costa Rica

1 April 2003


UNHCR will set up information booths at the University of Costa Rica, the National University, Universidad Latina, and the Law School University from June 16-20.

On June 17, a TV programme about refugees in Costa Rica and World Refugee Day will be broadcast in "Bitácora" on Channel 15, which is run by the University of Costa Rica. The programme will be rebroadcast on June 21.

A roundtable will be held on "Refugees in Costa Rica and their local integration" at the Spanish Cultural Centre in San José on June 19, facilitated by the Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Costa Rica.

On June 20, a special mass will be held at San José Metropolitan Cathedral with Monsignor Angel San Casimiro, Bishop of the Costa Rican northern area.

Various products and handicrafts made by refugees will be exhibited at the Plaza de la Cultura, next to the National Theatre in downtown San José. The Orchestra of the Conservatoire Castella will play music, and Colombian refugee artists will perform songs and dance. There will also be performances by clowns and balloons for children.