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World Refugee Day 2002: Colombia

World Refugee Day 2002: Colombia

20 June 2002


A cultural event was held in Mocoa. Internally displaced youth presented a theatre play and dance, and an elderly persons' group also performed. The event was organised by UNHCR and NGO Cedavida, which implements UNHCR's psycho-social and recreational projects for young internally displaced persons.

A reception was held at the Municipal Library in Apartadó for some 100 people including local authorities, church representatives, NGO workers and internally displaced persons.

In Barrancabermeja, a puppet theatre group, "La Sociedad Natural de Sito", performed. The theme of the show was the displacement and the situation of women and children in Colombia. The group performed at three schools attended by many internally displaced children and also at a shelter for displaced people. After each presentation, the audience was shown how to make puppets out of palm tree leaves.

An exhibition on the theme of "displaced women" was held with paintings by Jenaro Mejía. Some of his works were painted on wooden pieces from burnt houses in the Urabá area.

Another exhibition took place with photos showing the displacement of women from Urabá, Cacarica, San Antonio de Yurumangi, Pavarandó, as well as the Refugee Women poster series. Arts and crafts made by displaced women supported by UNHCR were presented and promoted.

An event was held at UNHCR office in Puerto Asis, with the participation of 15 refugee women, who are members of an internally displaced women's association "Mujeres Amazonas Sin Fronteras," supported by UNHCR. Representatives of the internally displaced persons' association of the municipality were present, as well as the local authorities, church representative, and NGOs.

A mass was held by the Church in Sibundoy, in commemoration of World Refugee Day. Internally displaced persons, community leaders, and local authorities were present.

The World Refugee Day commemoration was an official ceremony with the participation of local authorities, representatives of the diplomatic missions, UN Agencies and other organisations. The programme included: the testimonies of two widows from Apartadó and Bojaya, who are beneficiaries of the Compartir Project, funded by UNHCR. Two musical groups (Sin Fronteras and another one composed by displaced persons, coming from the Pacific Coast). Carlos Calero and Amparo Pérez from Caracol TV presented the event as volunteers.

A UNHCR Video Cycle was held in August at the Cinemateca Distrital, where UNHCR also held a workshop to inform the general public about displacement in the country.