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UN and Non-Governmental Organizations warn funding gaps hampering protection responses worldwide


UN and Non-Governmental Organizations warn funding gaps hampering protection responses worldwide

29 June 2022

The number of people in need of humanitarian protection has increased by 33 per cent when compared to the previous year. This is according to a (link is external)new reportLink is external released by the UNHCR, UN Refugee Agency – led Global Protection Cluster.

151 million civilians affected by conflict and displacement, now require protection services and responses in 2022 – 38 million more than in the previous year. This is a result of the deterioration of the humanitarian situation in countries such as Ukraine, Afghanistan, Myanmar and Ethiopia, as well as prolonged needs in Yemen, Syria and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

“Conflict, violence, systematic breaches of international humanitarian law and human rights violations are driving up needs in countries affected by conflicts and disasters,” said the Global Protection Cluster (GPC) Coordinator, William Chemaly.

“People have been and continue to be targeted, killed, disappeared, tortured, arbitrarily detained, sexually violated, forced to flee, trafficked, and trapped in sieges. Water systems, schools, hospitals are targeted and drizzled with explosives. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, a lack of food and climatic shocks are further compounding the situation.”

Despite worsening humanitarian situations, less than half, or some USD 833 million, of a required USD 2.9 billion appealed for to respond to protection needs by local and international NGOs, UN agencies and other actors has been met.

We appeal to donors and agencies to make funds available to support life-saving protection responses, especially in the most under-resourced emergencies,”

In its report, the GPC also warns that more diplomatic efforts are required to increase and secure humanitarian access to reach people in need, in situations of armed conflict and insecurity. Active hostilities, bureaucratic impediments, sanctions and counterterrorism measures, and violence against humanitarian personnel, are among the main factors hampering access.

Responder teams, consisting of national and international NGOs and UN members, estimate that on average they can at best reach 25 to 50 per cent of people in need of protection. In several contexts, including Yemen, Ethiopia, Sudan and Mozambique, this figure is significantly lower.

The full report is available: (link is external)Protection Funding – Where Do We Stand Mid-Year 2022? A Spotlight on Operational Access for ProtectionLink is external.


The (link is external)Global Protection Cluster (GPC)Link is external is a network of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), international organizations and United Nations (UN) agencies, engaged in protection work in humanitarian crises including armed conflict, climate change related and natural disaster. The GPC unites members, partners and communities working on the full gamut of protection activities, including in four specialized Areas of Responsibility (AoRs): Child Protection (CP), Gender-Based Violence (GBV), Housing, Land and Property (HLP) and Mine Action (MA).