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Social Cohesion and Harmonization

UNHCR implements social cohesion initiatives aimed at encouraging dialogue and interaction between refugees, host communities and service providers, and supporting local communities in receiving refugees. Supporting the implementation of the National Strategy on Harmonization and the National Action Plan which were adopted by the Government of Türkiye in February 2018 continues to be a priority for UNHCR, as are the engagement with local administrations, municipalities, NGOs, imams and mukhtars to strengthen social cohesion between refugee and host communities.

UNHCR and the Presidency of Migration Management cooperate closely in the implementation of a comprehensive framework of actions aiming at fostering social cohesion through an inclusive approach by reaching out to refugee and host communities as well as local authorities, academia and civil society. Actions vary from awareness-raising events to socio-cultural events targeting different stakeholders to contribute to local policymaking, dissemination of information and to promote a convivial environment between refugees and host community members.

UNHCR also cooperates with municipalities in order to strengthen engagement with refugees at the local level, including by strengthening the technical capacities of municipalities.

UNHCR works on expanding opportunities for Turkish language education through Public Education Centres. As such, UNHCR works with public education centres and partners to provide trainings for staff and interpreters, and to assist with the cost of materials and teacher salaries. The provision of Turkish language classes in these centres contributes positively to social cohesion.