Inter-Agency Coordination

Inter-Agency Coordination
Inter-agency coordination in supporting the refugee response in Turkey takes place within the framework of the Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RP)Link is external. While the Government leads the refugee response in Turkey, the United Nations ensures effective and complementary support by coordinating humanitarian and development partners working in six sectors – protection, food security, education, health, basic needs and livelihoods. UNHCR coordinates the 3RP together with UNDP and leads the protection and basic needs sectors and leads the higher education within the overall education sector which UNICEF leads.
The 3RP serves as a strategic document - highlighting the needs of refugees and national systems, a coordination mechanism - ensuring effective use of resources and delivery of services without duplication and a fundraising platform - capturing the financial requirements of partners involved in the response. In Turkey, the plan aims for 3RP partners to work under the direction of the Government of Turkey to achieve better outcomes for Syrians under temporary protection and host communities alike.
3RP partners including UNHCR support the Government of Turkey in providing quality and sustainable multi-sectoral services for refugees, international protection applicants and Syrians under temporary protection based on Turkey’s Law on Foreigners and International Protection and Temporary Protection Regulations. 3RP activities are aimed at improving access to national systems such as health, education, employment and social services while promoting social cohesion through programmes that benefit refugee and host communities. In this way, UNHCR supports the Government of Turkey in meeting the 2030 Agenda, particularly by supporting and advocating for the inclusion of refugees.
UNHCR aims to ensure that the 3RP also responds to new and additional needs resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic by adapting sector plans, and engages with other partners and processes to ensure alignment of programmes that support refugees and host communities in Turkey.