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National Activity Plan 2006: Namibia

National Activity Plan 2006: Namibia

20 June 2006
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Fleeing the turmoil of the Algerian war for independence, nearly 200,000 refugees had crossed in Tunisia and Morocco by 1960, three-quarters of whom were women, children and the elderly.

  • On 22 May the launch of a drawing competition for all refugees in the Osire refugee camp on the issue of hope will be held. A Task Force comprising of Government authorities, UNHCR, Implementing Partners and refugees will select the best drawing on June 1, which will be printed on 500 T-shirts for refugees.
  • On 8 June the Namibian drama company and welfare organization Ombetja Yehinga will perform the participatory "Hostel Monologues" in Osire refugee camp, aiming at raising the youth's awareness of the risks and impact of HIV/AIDS.
  • In mid June a small booklet featuring pictures and statements on how to keep hope alive for peace at the end of exile by five prominent Namibians, representing the civil society, Government and Parliament will be published. The booklet will also include a picture and statement by refugee children.
  • In Mid June, the national public TV channel NBC will air the TV spot produced by UNHCR Headquarters with a message from Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie.
  • On 18 June, The Council of Churches in Namibia has agreed to request all its affiliated churches to dedicate that day's service to the issue of displacement and hope, and to include respective thoughts in their sermons. Also, the CCN will schedule a mass service in Osire refugee camp.
  • On 19 June, the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration and the Commissioner for Refugees will visit the Osire refugee camp together with the UNHCR Representative to meet and discuss with refugee women.
  • On 20 June, an all-day commemoration of World Refugee Day will take place in the Osire refugee camp. The Deputy Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration, the UN Resident Coordinator, the UNHCR Representative and of course the refugees will make statements. The cultural programme will include a concert by the refugee band "4x4 Too Much Power" as well as songs, dances, poems, and drama by various refugee groups. An arts and crafts exhibition will be open in Osire refugee camp with works done by women from the Women Income Generation Centre. The best refugee learners, artists and community volunteers will be awarded prices.
  • On 20 June, two soccer matches will take place, one with women players and one with men players, with participants from the refugee community and the Government authorities. Matches will take place at the Osire refugee camp.
  • On 20 June, A popular Namibian morning radio show, notably "Mario and Fanie", will address refugee issues.
  • On 20 June, the Council of Churches in Namibia will have a lunch-hour Prayer Service at St Mary's Cathedral in Windhoek.