High Commissioner's Global Initiative on Somali Refugees - Reading List
Speeches and statements
High Commissioner's Global Initiative on Somali Refugees - Reading List
10 September 2014
High Commissioner’s Global Initiative on Somali Refugees - Reading List
The publications signposted here are a brief and introductory list for the High-Level Panel members who may wish to read more about various aspects of the Somali refugee problematic. The list also gives some readings from other contexts, as these could help illuminate our examination of the Somali situation. Please note that the literature is much more exhaustive than this list, as only readings which are freely accessible online have been noted here.
The Somali Refugee Experience
- Moret, J. et al 2006. The Path of Somali Refugees into Exile: A Comparative Analysis of Secondary Movements and Policy Responses. Geneva: SFMLink is external
- Lindley, A. and Haslie, A. (2011) 'Unlocking protracted displacement: Somali case study', RSC Working PaperSeries No. 79Link is external
- Lindley, A. (2009) 'Crisis and Displacement in Somalia', Forced Migration Review No. 33Link is external
- Morris, T. (2010) 'Urban Somali Refugees in Yemen', Forced Migration Review No. 34Link is external
Clans in Somalia
- Austrian Red Cross and ACCORD (2009). Clans in SomaliaLink is external
- Minority Rights Group. 2010. 'No Redress: Somalia’s Forgotten Minorities,'Link is external
Refugee views on return
- Danish Refugee Council and Norway Refugee Council (2013). Durable Solutions: Perspectives of Somali Refugees Living in Kenyan and Ethiopian Camps and Selected Communities of ReturnLink is external
- Heritage Policy Institute (2013). Hasty RepatriationLink is external
Role of the Private Sector
- Cassanelli, Lee (2010), 'Private sector peacemaking: Business and Reconstruction in Somalia.'Link is external
- Omata, N. (2012). Refugee Livelihoods and the Private Sector: Ugandan Case Study; Refugee Studies CentreLink is external
- Omata, N and Kaplan, J (2013). Refugee livelihoods in Kampala, Nakivale and Kyangwali refugee settlements: patterns of engagement with the private sector; Refugee Studies CentreLink is external
Transnationalism and Somali diaspora
- Galipo, Adele (2011) Diaspora and Peacebuilding in Post-conflict Settings: Insights from Somaliland. European Conference on African StudiesLink is external
- Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit – Somalia (2013). Family Ties: Remittances and Livelihoods Support in Puntland and Somaliland Case StudyLink is external
- Hammond, Laura, Mustafa Awad, Peter Hansen, Cindy Horst, Ken Menkhaus, Lynette Obare. 2011. Cash and Compassion, the Role of the Somali Diaspora in Relief, Development and Peace-buildingLink is external
- Hammond, Laura 2013. 'Somali Transnational Activism and Integration in the UK: Mutually Supporting Strategies,' Journal of Ethnic and Migration StudiesLink is external
- Orozco, M. and Yansura, J. (2013). Keeping the Lifeline Open: Remittances and Markets in SomaliaLink is external
Other Protracted Refugee Situations
- Forced Migration Review Number 33: Protracted DisplacementLink is external
- Milner, J. Loescher, G. (2011) Responding to Protracted Refugee Situations. Refugee Studies CentreLink is external
- Misselwitz, P. and Hanafi, S. (2010). Testing a New Paradigm: UNRWA’S Camp Improvement ProgrammeLink is external
- Refugee Studies Centre: The PRS Project - BibliographyLink is external
- Refugee Studies Centre: The PRS Project – case studiesLink is external
Refugee self-reliance
- Hunter, M. (2009) The Failure of Self-Reliance in Refugee Settlements, Police Journal Vol 2Link is external
- IRIN news (February 2013) . Refugees Aim for Self-Reliance, not Hand-outsLink is external
- Meyer, S (2006). The 'refugee aid and development' approach in Uganda: empowerment and self-reliance of refugees in practiceLink is external
- Scott, Anna (July 2013). Investing in refugees: New solutions for Old Problems, The GuardianLink is external
- UNHCR. Livelihoods and Self-Reliance