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Theo James

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About Theo

British actor and producer Theo James has been supporting UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, since 2016, and became a Global Goodwill Ambassador in June 2024.

Upon his appointment, Theo said: “I am very proud to join UNHCR as a Goodwill Ambassador. The experience of my own family has given me an understanding of the sacrifices and struggles that refugees face.”

During the Second World War, Theo’s grandfather, Dr Nicholas Taptiklis, was forced to flee Greece, making his way by boat and then overland through Turkey to Damascus, Syria. When the Second World War ended, Dr Taptiklis worked in Gottingen, Germany, with a UN organisation fighting typhoid and tuberculosis in refugee camps.


"His courage and resilience has inspired me to help make a difference to the lives of displaced people."

Theo has supported UNHCR’s work both at home and abroad, attending fundraisers, engaging in advocacy efforts, and visiting refugees in Greece and Jordan.


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Field visits

Theo travelled to Jordan with UNHCR in July 2023, where he visited the urban areas of Amman and witnessed the realities of the Azraq Refugee Camp.

Jordan hosts the second-highest share of refugees per capita worldwide, but despite its efforts to provide health care, education, and employment for refugees, Jordan cannot bear the brunt of this cost alone. Sustained funding for refugees in Jordan is desperately needed to avoid a humanitarian crisis.

Reflecting on his trip, Theo said, "The scars of war are not always visible, but there is also an enormous sustained impact. For many, despair is setting in, as they have lost their jobs and cannot provide for their families; others have taken on extremely high debts and face the threat of being evicted. It is as if they were carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders. All this while trying to cope with the trauma of war and loss".


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In 2016, Theo travelled to Greece with UNHCR to learn more about its activities in the country and the reality of the situation for refugees. There were over 170,000 new arrivals of refugees into Greece during 2016 alone, the year of Theo’s visit.

The experience of one teenage refugee struck a particular chord in Theo, who shared, “We met Rafi in the Alexandria emergency reception site in Northern Greece. Rafi is a bright and intelligent boy of 17 who had spent the last three years seeking asylum with his family. Despite having lost much of the bone in his right elbow and his left knee from a bomb blast in Syria, he radiated positivity. Of course, he felt frustrated at times, but he looked to the future with hope and resilience. He wants to live in France because he learnt some French in school and enjoys the language. I hope he gets there.”


The scars of war are not always visible, but there is also an enormous sustained impact.

Theo James


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On his visit to Greece, Theo also met Housam, a man living in Lakadikia Refugee Camp. In December 2017, Theo travelled to Strasbourg to reunite with him.

Housam is one of the 32,000 refugees who have been relocated as part of the EU’s emergency relocation scheme that aims to share responsibility for the refugee crisis.

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Support for UNHCR

Most recently, Theo has helped to raise awareness about two major challenges facing refugees: climate, and mental health. Theo speaks passionately about these issues and is resolved to advocate for those affected.

In 2023, Theo joined countless other celebrities in highlighting his support for UNHCR and the refugee plight by wearing a blue ribbon at the Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards in Los Angeles, California.

In 2019, Theo lent his acting talents to UNHCR and provided the voiceover for UNHCR’s High-Level Segment on Statelessness, a forum which gave UN Member States the opportunity to highlight key achievements made to address statelessness worldwide since the launch of UNHCR’s #IBelong Campaign to End Statelessness.

As a British national, Theo has also been involved in UNHCR efforts closer to home. In 2018, Theo supported UNHCR’s Families Together campaign. Theo signed an open letter calling for MPs to attend the Refugees Family Reunion Bill and advocate for its implementation to allow child refugees a route to reunite with their parents.

@refugees We’re all about this personal message from actor and UNHCR supporter #TheoJames about why #MentalHealth support is a human right - for everyone, including refugees 💙 #WorldMentalHealthDay ♬ original sound - We help refugees

Theo James’ work as a high-profile supporter

Jordan. High Profile supporter Theo James visits Azraq Refugee camp
June - Appointed as a Global Goodwill Ambassador
Upon his appointment, Theo said: “I am very proud to join UNHCR as a Goodwill Ambassador. The experience of my own family has given me an understanding of the sacrifices and struggles that refugees face.”
Two men are shaking hands while two young girls smile at the camera.
July - Visit in Jordan
Theo travelled to Jordan to visit the urban areas of Amman and the Azraq Refugee Camp.
United States. UNHCR High Profile Supporter Theo James wears a blue ribbon in solidarity with refugees at the 2023 SAG Awards
February - Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards
Theo wore a blue ribbon at the Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards in Los Angeles to show his support for refugees.
Voiceover for UNHCR’s High-Level Segment on Statelessness
Theo provided the voiceover for UNHCR’s High-Level Segment on Statelessness, a forum which gave UN Member States the opportunity to highlight key achievements made to address statelessness worldwide.
UNHCR’s Families Together campaign
Theo supported UNHCR’s Families Together campaign alongside UNHCR Goodwill Ambassadors David Morrissey and Neil Gaiman.
France. UNHCR High Profile Supporter Theo James is reunited with Syrian refugee Housam
Visit in France
In December 2017, Theo travelled to Strasbourg to meet with one of the refugees whom he met in Greece, Housam.
Theo James speaks with a teenage boy from Syria.
Visit in Greece
Theo travelled to Greece with UNHCR to learn more about the work of UNHCR and the situation for refugees.

News and highlights

Find the latest news and key highlights about Theo's work as a UNHCR high-profile supporter.


United States. UNHCR High Profile Supporter Theo James wears a blue ribbon in solidarity with refugees at the 2023 SAG Awards
Film world shows solidarity with refugees at Oscars and beyond
More than 40 nominees and presenters at this year's major film awards wore UNHCR's #WithRefugees blue ribbon, culminating in strong support at 2023 Oscars ceremony.