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UNHCR and Government launched One Stop Resource Centres in Akwa Ibom and Cross River States


UNHCR and Government launched One Stop Resource Centres in Akwa Ibom and Cross River States

14 February 2025
UNHCR and the Government launched One Stop Resource Centers in Akwa Ibom and Cross River States

Cross River State Commissioner for Commerce and UNHCR Head of Sub Office Ogoja in Calabar opened the resource centre.

In Calabar and Uyo, Cross River and Akwa Ibom States, UNHCR opened One Stop Resource Centres in collaboration with the Ministries of Commerce, Trade, and Investment. As part of its Global Compact on Refugees commitment to refugee economic inclusion, the ministry gave UNHCR office space.

The hub, managed by refugee-led organisations (RLOs), will improve government support for refugees, create capacity, and connect refugees and host communities to jobs, markets, and economic opportunities. Refugees will also exhibit their craft in the centre to enhance their self-reliance and promote export opportunities.

The Ministry of Commerce, Micro Finance and Enterprise Development Agency, UNFPA, UNHCR, Partners, representatives of the refugee-led organisations and cooperatives attended the launch.

Government dignitaries in both states are committed to supporting sustainable solutions and economic inclusion for refugees. They emphasised that the states are willing to invite refugees to participate in exhibitions, providing a platform to showcase their skills and talents.

“This centre is a great opportunity and platform for refugees to interact with the government and the host community. We believe that our dreams of becoming self-reliant are within reach. I’m excited about the future and proud that the government nominated my organisation to run the centre”, says Albert Asu, the founder of Mite Agro-Processing, a refugee-led organisation in Calabar.

UNHCR opened One Stop Resource Centres in collaboration with the Ministries of Commerce, Trade, and Investment in Calabar and Uyo, Cross River and Akwa Ibom States

UNHCR opened One Stop Resource Centres in collaboration with the Ministries of Commerce, Trade, and Investment in Calabar and Uyo, Cross River and Akwa Ibom States.