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News and Stories

Can we end forced displacement in Nigeria?

Can we end forced displacement in Nigeria?

Today, 20 June, is World Refugee Day—a day of demonstrating solidarity with the 120 million people worldwide who have been forced to flee their homes and seek safety elsewhere. Currently, one in every 69 people has been living in exile for an average of 12 years,...

Addressing Environmental Challenges in Refugee Communities

Addressing Environmental Challenges in Refugee Communities

It’s a typical day in Adagom 3 refugee settlement, Cross River State. Amid the scorching heat, children play in the sand while women prepare meals for their families using wood. The heat, warmer than previous years, serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing...

Men as Allies: Ending Violence Against Women and Girls

Men as Allies: Ending Violence Against Women and Girls

In North East Nigeria, violence against women and girls (VAWG) profoundly impacts the lives of women and girls, leading to severe psycho-social consequences. Survivors often face both physical and emotional trauma, with unwanted pregnancies being a notable...

The healing journey of forcibly displaced children through art

The healing journey of forcibly displaced children through art

Imagine a future where every child uprooted by conflict finds sanctuary and hope—this is the vision propelling UNHCR and its partners, like Caritas Nigeria, as they weave a safety net of protection around the youngest victims of forced displacement in Borno State....