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Italy: UNHCR welcomes Italian journalists' charter

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Italy: UNHCR welcomes Italian journalists' charter

13 June 2008 Also available in:

We welcome the final approval yesterday by the Italian Council of Journalists' Associations of a code of conduct on reporting of asylum and migration issues. The document, known as the "Rome Charter'" was drafted by the Journalists' Association and the Italian National Press Federation in collaboration with UNHCR.

The Rome Charter will provide Italian journalists with guidelines to ensure that information on asylum seekers, refugees, migrants and victims of human trafficking is balanced and accurate. The Charter also calls for migration and asylum issues to be included in journalism courses and establishes an independent Monitoring Centre which will monitor media coverage of asylum seekers, refugees and migrants.

UNHCR believes this code of ethics will lead to the correct use of language and adequate protection for all those who have requested and obtained protection in Italy, without prejudicing the right to information.

The issue of immigration has been widely discussed in recent months in Italy and there have been several cases of attacks against foreigners.