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DR Congo: Angolans to be moved away from border area

Briefing notes

DR Congo: Angolans to be moved away from border area

21 August 2001

UNHCR is preparing to move away from the border 10,000 Angolan refugees who recently arrived in DRC's Bas-Congo Province in the south-west. The refugees will be taken to villages some 50 km away from DRC's border with Angola. The refugees fled an August 3 UNITA offensive in northern Angola. Nearly 2,000 of them are now at a DRC town called Kimvula, while more than 8,000 are in an area known as Kitompolo, 4 km from the border. UNHCR has deployed emergency teams to the border to help with registration, the distribution of basic supplies and to make arrangements for the transfer of the refugees away from border areas.