UNHCR relief convoy has arrived in Khoy

UNHCR relief convoy has arrived in Khoy
Under theUN Iran-led relief efforts to deliver the much-needed assistance, UNHCR Iran has donated 3000 blankets, tents & other emergency relief items to some of the most remote villages affected by a magnitude 5.9 quake in late January.[video width="1080" height="1920" mp4="https://www.unhcr.org/ir/wp-content/uploads/sites/77/2023/02/20220208-Iran_Hossein-Warehouse_V1_9x16.mp4"][/video]
Under the UN Iran -led relief efforts to deliver the much-needed assistance, UNHCR Iran has donated 3000 blankets, tents & other emergency relief items to some of the most remote villages affected by a magnitude 5.9 quake in late January.
[video width="1080" height="1920" mp4="https://www.unhcr.org/ir/wp-content/uploads/sites/77/2023/02/20220208-I…"][/video]