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Partners and Donors

Partners and Donors

UNHCR collaborates with the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, humanitarian and development actors, international and non-governmental organizations, UN agencies and the private sector to protect and assist refugees in areas of health, education and livelihoods, and to pursue durable solutions.
UNHCR’s activities in Iran are supported through the generous contributions of donors, which give us the means to provide protection and assistance to the refugees residing in the country, in coordination with our main government counterpart, the National Organization for Migration (NOM).
© UNHCR/Leah Cowan

UNHCR supports the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s efforts to appeal for more equitable responsibility-sharing by the international community, within the framework of the (link is external)Solutions Strategy for Afghan RefugeesLink is external (SSAR) and the Afghanistan Situation Regional Refugee Response Plan (RRP) 2023, in line with the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR). UNHCR is grateful for the support provided by donors who contributed with earmarked funding for the operation in Iran, giving UNHCR the ability to support vital activities in critical areas.

The support was particularly appreciated in the context of emergencies such as the COVID-19 pandemic since 2020 and the humanitarian emergency in Afghanistan since Taliban takeover in August 2021, allowing UNHCR to amplify its emergency and humanitarian response and to better support refugees.

UNHCR also appreciates the unearmarked funding from donors which gives us flexibility in benefiting from the contribution where the need is.

UNHCR’s Iran operation continues to face funding challenges despite growing humanitarian needs, linked both to the economic downturn in Iran. UNHCR continues to advocate for greater support from the international community. UNHCR is grateful to donors that continued to provide funding during such critical times, allowing UNHCR to ease some burden off of the Government of Iran. However, it is worth noting that in regular times, UNHCR Iran is consistently underfunded.

Donors of earmarked funding in 2023: (click on flag for donor profile, where available)



Russian Federation

UN Programme on HIV/AIDS


Donors of softly earmarked and unearmarked funding in 2023: (click on flag for donor profile, where available)






Germany humanitarian assistance flag






The National Organization for Migration (NOM) of the Ministry of Interior is UNHCR Iran’s main operational government counterpart. Additionally, tripartite Project Partnership Agreements exist with NOM and other partners. The Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, UNHCR, and its national and international partners firmly root their assistance to Afghan refugees in the regional multi-year framework known as the Solutions Strategy for Afghan Refugees (SSAR). UNHCR, NOM, and other members of the SSAR hold joint coordination meetings frequently to discuss and review implementation and progress towards the strategy’s objectives and to share updates on priorities.

Government Partners:

  • Ministry of Education (MoE)
  • Ministry of Health (MoH)
  • Technical and Vocational Training Organization (TVTO)
  • Iran Health Insurance Organization (IHIO)

UN Agencies and International Organizations:
UNHCR coordinates with UN partner agencies, as well as NGOs and international organizations, under the umbrella of the Solution Strategy for Afghan Refugees (SSAR). UNHCR continues to collaborate with its network of partners and to implement joint activities.

Non-Government Organization partners:
National NGOs:

  • Society for Recovery Support (SRS)
  • Rebirth Charity Organization (Rebirth)
  • Pars Development Activists Institute (PDA)
  • Iranian Life Quality Improvement Association (ILIA)
  • Iraqi Refugee Aid Council (IRAC)
  • HAMI