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“We left everything in Venezuela”

Economic instability and a lack of opportunity in Venezuela have led to millions of people leaving their country in search of a stable, more secure future. Young mothers and children, the elderly and disabled people are among those leaving, facing many barriers as they do so.

There are now more than 7.3 million Venezuelan refugees, migrant people and people seeking asylum around the world, with the majority seeking sanctuary in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Often they will have taken irregular journeys on foot, by road or by bus – and are vulnerable to smugglers and exploitation.

Many of those who have left Venezuela continue to face a daily struggle to meet their basic needs. They are in urgent need of housing, healthcare, and income – while children need support to start school. As well as the practical help to settle in a new home, refugees also need emotional support to help them process the trauma of leaving everything behind.

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Often when a refugee arrives from Venezuela to a country like Peru, they lack the right paperwork or documentation they need to access their basic rights.

Without their rights, they can be vulnerable to exploitation and trafficking, which is why UNHCR works closely with refugees and migrant people to help them obtain documentation and legal status.


UNHCR believes that the people arriving into Peru have so much potential – to learn, to work, to integrate into the community. But they face multiple barriers in accessing everything from housing to legal support and education.

Thanks to regular gifts from supporters like you, UNHCR can respond to the needs of arriving refugees. By 2022, we had provided support to budding entrepreneurs, offering seed capital to 700 people so they can set up their own businesses. We supported the rebuild and refits of 10 shelters, community centres and recreational spaces across Peru, which can now be used as spaces where refugees can access help and advice, as well as integrate with their community. At the same time, we have provided support for victims and survivors of gender-based violence and child abuse or neglect, helping the most vulnerable refugees to move forward with their lives.

Another issue that arriving refugees struggle with is access to healthcare. With your help, we are supporting 57 health facilities across the country that serve the needs of refugees and host communities including Peruvians in need. We support both the physical health of those coming to Peru, and the mental health too. After all, as you can see from our CasaTalentos contestants, many people who have had to flee their homes are struggling with trauma.

That’s where your support for UNHCR makes an amazing difference. Your regular donations mean we can support refugees to access safe housing, healthcare, legal advice, and education. When that happens, refugees are less at risk of exploitation, violence and discrimination. Instead, they can start to build a new life – and find a home where they can thrive.

Episode one
Discover the stars of CasaTalentos
Episode two
Ebert was born to sing and make music
A man carrying his child
Episode three
A journey to a new future
Episode four
Cristina's song brings a smile to everyone who hears it
Episode five
Music offers a lifeline to those who have lost everything
Episode six
In his music, Luis can express his true feelings
The logo of Casa Talentos, a blue star with various music instruments around it
Episode seven
The winner of Casa Talentos is revealed!
Season recap
Discover the three finalists of CasaTalentos