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There are dozens of refugee crises in the world right now, from Afghans fleeing Taliban control to Rohingya people crossing the border from Myanmar to Bangladesh.

UNHCR works across the world to bring emergency aid and long-term support to those who have had no choice but to leave violence, oppression and economic insecurity, and start a new life.


No one chooses to be a refugee. But right now, war, climate change, drought and food insecurity are pushing families to the brink. There are 110 million displaced people and refugees escaping unimaginable horrors.

Some refugees will find sanctuary in settlements, others find a home in a new community. All of them need urgent help to access healthcare, housing, education, financial assistance, and emotional support, so they can build a new life for themselves.

Thanks to your regular donations, UNHCR is working with refugees fleeing conflict, climate disaster, and poverty and instability in countries all over the world.

Since 2019, we have delivered cash assistance to over 620,000 Venezuelans across Latin America and the Caribbean, providing direct help to families arriving in a new community. This support means families can make their own choices and live independently.

Your support means we can also provide emergency aid in moments of crisis, help people to seek asylum and gain the legal right to remain in their new country, and provide access to essentials – such as housing and healthcare.

Multiple crises have led to more people becoming refugees. At the same time, stigma and discrimination has led to people seeking asylum being demonised and attacked. That’s why it’s more urgent than ever that projects like CasaTalentos can bring people together, in music, song and dance, to celebrate our shared humanity.

Episode one
Discover the stars of CasaTalentos
Episode two
Ebert was born to sing and make music
A man carrying his child
Episode three
A journey to a new future
Episode four
Cristina's song brings a smile to everyone who hears it
Episode five
Music offers a lifeline to those who have lost everything
Episode six
In his music, Luis can express his true feelings
The logo of Casa Talentos, a blue star with various music instruments around it
Episode seven
The winner of Casa Talentos is revealed!
Season recap
Discover the three finalists of CasaTalentos


“We left everything in Venezuela”

Economic instability and a lack of opportunity in Venezuela have led to millions of people leaving their country in search of a stable, more secure future. Young mothers and children, the elderly and disabled people are among those leaving, facing many barriers as they do so.

Find out more


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