Speakers’ Corner
Speakers’ Corner

Speakers’ Corner talks
Additional video content
- Plenary session: Recorded webcasts from the official plenary session of the Global Refugee Forum 2023.
- Parallel high-level events: Recorded in-depth panel discussions on the key themes of the Global Compact.
- Exhibition videosLink is external: Short videos from partners covering new ideas and best practices in forced displacement. These videos were featured in the exhibition space during the Global Refugee Forum 2023.
Speakers’ Corner talks
Wednesday 13 December
Committing to bridge the digital divide present in refugee & refugee-hosting education
Ms. Maria Lacadena, Country Manager & Strategic Planning, ProFuturo
Transforming refugee teachers’ lives: the story of inclusion in the Kurdistan Region in Iraq
Mrs. Perwin Arous, Refugee Teacher and Community Outreach Volunteer
Evidence-based and localized knowledge for refugees’ protection
Prof. Geoff Gilbert, University of Essex; Prof. Liliana Jubilut, Catholic University of Santos; Prof. James Milner, Project Director, Local Engagement Refugee Research Network, University of Carleton. Co-chairs of The Global Academic Interdisciplinary Network (GAIN)
Committing to bridge the digital divide present in refugee & refugee-hosting education
Ms. Maria Lacadena, Country Manager & Strategic Planning, ProFuturo
Committing to bridge the digital divide present in refugee & refugee-hosting education
Ms. Maria Lacadena, Country Manager & Strategic Planning, ProFuturo
Wednesday 13 December
Committing to bridge the digital divide present in refugee & refugee-hosting education
Ms. Maria Lacadena, Country Manager & Strategic Planning, ProFuturo
Transforming refugee teachers’ lives: the story of inclusion in the Kurdistan Region in Iraq
Mrs. Perwin Arous, Refugee Teacher and Community Outreach Volunteer
Evidence-based and localized knowledge for refugees’ protection
Prof. Geoff Gilbert, University of Essex; Prof. Liliana Jubilut, Catholic University of Santos; Prof. James Milner, Project Director, Local Engagement Refugee Research Network, University of Carleton. Co-chairs of The Global Academic Interdisciplinary Network (GAIN)
National statistics on refugees and why they matter
Ms. Maria Lacadena, Country Manager & Strategic Planning, ProFuturo
A magic tool: Sport for Social Inclusion
Associate Professor Mr. Hakan Dulkadiroğlu, Sport for Solidarity Project Coordinator, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Türkiye
Understanding and Responding to the Heightened Risks of Gender-Based Violence During Forced Displacement and Integration with Host Communities – World Bank Research and Operations
Mr. Manuel Contreras Urbina, Global Lead, Gender-based violence, World Bank
Early Lessons Learned from the Duolingo+UNHCR University Access Program
Ms. Laura Kaub, Duolingo English Test (DET) + UNHCR University Access Advisor
Inclusive policy making: lessons from stateless activists
Ms. Noor Azizah, Rohingya Maìyafuìnor Collaborative Network; Ms. Maha Mamo, Stateless activist.
Refugee Qualifications
Mr. Villano Qiriazi, Head, Education Department, Council of Europe
Instant Network Schools: Improving learning for refugee & host community students & teachers
Mr. Joakim Reiter, Chief External & Corporate Affairs Officer, Vodafone
The IFC UNHCR Partnership and the Role of the Private Sector
Mr. Michel M Botzung, Head of the IFC UNHCR Joint Initiative
Prevention and protection: incidence of sexual violence among recently arrived asylum-seeking women in France
Dr. Jeremy Khouani, General Practitioner and researcher
National statistics on refugees and why they matter
Mr. Charles Ogolla, Head of Statistics at the IGAD Secretariat
A magic tool: Sport for Social Inclusion
Associate Professor Mr. Hakan Dulkadiroğlu, Sport for Solidarity Project Coordinator, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Türkiye
Understanding and Responding to the Heightened Risks of Gender-Based Violence During Forced Displacement and Integration with Host Communities – World Bank Research and Operations
Mr. Manuel Contreras Urbina, Global Lead, Gender-based violence, World Bank
Alternatives to Immigration Detention for refugees and migrants
Ms. Carolina Gottardo, Executive Director of the International Detention Coalition
Thursday 14 December
Hiring refugees is not only the right thing to do, but it’s also good for business
Ms. Julia Olofsson, Human Rights & Social Impact Manager, Ingka group; Ms. Regula Bächli, Integration Program Leader, Ingka group
The Poverty Alleviation Coalition (PAC)
Ms. Sarah Estermann, Caritas Switzerland
From refugee communities to flagship stores: how companies can create impact for women through MADE51
Ms. Maral Sheuhmelian, Homeland Development Initiative Foundation (HDIF), MADE51 social enterprise partner; Ms. Nynanchiek Padiet, MADE51 refugee artisan
Building Inclusive Societies with the Private Sector - SSI in Partnership with Allianz Insurance
Mrs. Sonia Vignjevic and Mrs. Yamamah Agha, Settlement Services International (SSI)
There are now over 114m people forced to flee, but how much do we really know about them and their lives?
Dr. Takaaki Masaki, Senior Economist, Joint Data Center on Forced Displacement
How refugee-led organizations can advocate for health and mental health in resettlement contexts
Dr. Mohammad Alhadj Ali, Chairperson, The Syrian Welsh Society
Reuniting families, Rebuilding lives
Ms. Aresu Rabbani, Refugee Delegate, Asylex
Status Determination, Vulnerability and Rights in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and MENA
Dr. Sergio Carrera, ASILE Project Coordinator
When refugees become certified: refugees integrating the aid sector as professionals
Mrs Dorothée Lintner, Managing Director of Bioforce
Specialized Childcare Organizations for Unaccompanied Minors
Ms. Gülbahar Bayrak, Expert on Family and Social Services, Directorate General of Child Services, Ministry of Family and Social Service
A refugee led organization helping LGBTQIA+ refugees in their integration within French society
Mr Thomas Ologo, Social mediator and President of the Refugee-led Organization (RLO) "Arc Essentiel"
Supporting Refugees through Volunteerism
Ms. Katarina Peranić, Chairwomen of the German Foundation for Civil Engagement and Volunteering
Protection of persons displaced across borders in the context of disasters and the adverse effects of climate change: Good practices to support the implementation of the Global Compact on Refugees
Prof. Walter Kaelin, Envoy of the Chair of the Platform on Disaster Displacement
Running in Solidarity
Mr Graham Clifford, Sanctuary Runners
Pathways to Progress for Refugees
Ms. Jeanne McDonagh, Open Doors
Friday 15 December
Transforming Sanitation Challenges into Solutions: Lessons from the Rohingya Refugee Crisis
Mr. Kam Morshed, Senior Director of BRAC
Enhancing the support ecosystem for refugee entrepreneurs
Mr. Farhad Ataee, Refugee Expert, Economic Inclusion and Social Protection Pledge, and Incubator Manager at SINGA Paris
Together for Strong Asylum Systems: The Asylum Capacity Support Group at the Global Refugee Forum
Mr. Ajang Longar Adier, Law student at the Law Development Centre, Kampala, Uganda; Mrs Ana Lorena Valle Cornavaca, Asociación de Nicaragüenses en México
Refugee-Led Counseling for Complementary Pathways Project (Jordan)
Ms. Vivian Shaima, World University Service of Canada (WUSC)
Pioneering the Whole of Society to Co-create "Refugee Inclusion Industry" through Corporate Engagement
Mr. Jintae Kim, Representative Director of Welcome Japan
Miles4Migrants: Making safety only a few miles away
Mr. Nick Ruiz, Co-founder, Managing Director, Miles4Migrants
Labor Market Access for Refugees: The Evidence on a Win-Win for Refugees and Hosts
Dr. Thomas Ginn, Research Fellow
He Tangata, He Tangata, He Tangata (It is the People, It is the People, It is the People)
Mr. Aklilu Habteghiorghis, Community Engagement Lead, New Zealand Red Cross
Voice of Children
Ms. Naya and Ms. Sedra, Child refugee experts
Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN)
Ms. Saliha Karakaş, Deputy FRIT Coordinator, Directorate General of Social Assistance, Ministry of Family and Social Services
What Ways Forward for Localisation and Meaningful Refugee Participation?
Mr. Ntobuah Julius Mvenyi, Board Chairman, Newcomers with Disabilities in Sweden; Mr. Victor Beaume, Caritas International Belgium
A sustainable sanctuary: Transforming Waste into Resources
Mr. Ignazio Matteini, Principal coordinator – Climate Action Supply Management Service (SMS)/Division of Emergency, Security, and Supply (DESS), UNHCR
Territorial solutions to refugees and migrants integration
Mr Roi Chiti, United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN Habitat) – United Nations
Integrated Livelihood Programming in Displacement Settings
Mr. Mohamed Hassan, Refugee-Led Research Hub