Ad Hoc Committee on Statelessness and Related Problems, United Kingdom: Draft proposal for Article 1 (E/AC.32/2)
Ad Hoc Committee on Statelessness and Related Problems, United Kingdom: Draft proposal for Article 1 (E/AC.32/2)
(1) The provisions of this Convention shall, except where otherwise provided, apply to unprotected persons.
(2) In this Convention, the expression "unprotected persons" means:
(a) persons who are not nationals of any State; and
(b) persons who, being outside the territory of the State of which they are nationals, do not enjoy the protection of the State either because that State refuses them protection or because for good reasons (such as, for example, serious apprehension based on reasonable grounds, of political, racial or religious persecution in the event of their going to that State) they do not desire the protection of that State.