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Food reaches Chechens in Georgia


Food reaches Chechens in Georgia

After a delay of two weeks because of security delays, food is once more reaching an estimated 7,000 Chechen refugees sheltering in the Pankisi Gorge in Georgia.
30 July 2001
The future for FYR of Macedonia's uprooted civilians remains uncertain. UNHCR/H.Caux

GENEVA, JULY 30 (UNHCR) - The U.N. Refugee Agency said Monday it has resumed food distribution for some 7,000 Chechen refugees in Georgia's Pankisi gorge after a two-week delay due to security concerns and road blockages.

In response to a spate of kidnappings in the gorge in early July, local civilians set up road blocks which prohibited access to the area for humanitarian aid. After the removal of the road blocks by July 19 and subsequent improvements in overall security, UNHCR was able to bring in fresh supplies. It carries out bi-monthly distributions of food provided by the World Food Programme (WFP) for refugees in the Pankisi area.

The last food distribution took place in early May. UNHCR also provides mattresses, cooking utensils, and clothing, support for kindergartens and community centres, and water treatment supplies.