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Guinea: Liberian government reopens border

Briefing notes

Guinea: Liberian government reopens border

14 February 2000

UNHCR welcomes the decision last Thursday by the Liberian government to reopen its border with Guinea, after a six-month closure. The move will allow UNHCR to resume the stalled repatriation of some 130,000 Liberians living in Guinea's Nzérékoré and Macenta regions.

During the first months of last year, more than 30,000 Liberian refugees had registered to return home, but UNHCR could only bring back 6,700 before the Liberian authorities closed the border last August, citing security reasons.

Despite the closure, Liberian refugees living in the camps of Nzérékoré and Forécariah kept registering for repatriation, in an indication that a large number of Liberian refugees in Guinea wish to go back.