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A journey to a new future

Between lives - Episode three

A journey to a new future

Venezuela has faced many challenges over the past decade, from the impact of the pandemic to an economic downturn causing widespread uncertainty. Millions left the country to find a more stable future, with 1.5 million people arriving to build a new life in Peru.
A family sits on the side of the road with their belongings
Venezuela has been going through a deep economic, social and political crisis, leading to persecution, insecurity, violence, and a lack of basic essentials including food and medicine. No wonder so many people have chosen to leave the country – making the long and often dangerous journey across the border and to a new future.

No wonder then that it was often the most at risk who fled first: families with children, single mothers, the elderly, and people with disabilities.

The journey from Venezuela to Peru is long and hard. For more than 2,700 kilometres, families walk, catch buses, and hitch rides – taking shelter where they can. Sometimes they are forced to walk through heavy rain, sometimes they have no choice but to sleep on the roadside. It’s dangerous: women in particular are vulnerable to sexual violence.

But every refugee who travels from Venezuela through Colombia and Ecuador to Peru knows they have no choice. No one chooses to be a refugee. Everyone has a right to build a better life in a new home.

Your support for UNHCR helps refugees like those who have made this journey and arrived in Peru. Thanks to you, we can provide a warm and safe welcome, help refugees find homes, jobs and schools, connect them with healthcare and help them build a new life.


Find out more about the situation in Venezuela

Episode one
Discover the stars of CasaTalentos
Episode two
Ebert was born to sing and make music
A man carrying his child
Episode three
A journey to a new future
Episode four
Cristina's song brings a smile to everyone who hears it
Episode five
Music offers a lifeline to those who have lost everything
Episode six
In his music, Luis can express his true feelings
The logo of Casa Talentos, a blue star with various music instruments around it
Episode seven
The winner of Casa Talentos is revealed!
Season recap
Discover the three finalists of CasaTalentos


“We left everything in Venezuela”

Economic instability and a lack of opportunity in Venezuela have led to millions of people leaving their country in search of a stable, more secure future. Young mothers and children, the elderly and disabled people are among those leaving, facing many barriers as they do so.

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