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An Uncertain Future: A journey through the move-on period


An Uncertain Future: A journey through the move-on period

8 October 2024

For refugees, finding out they have been granted refugee status is often a moment of immense relief. After months and often years in limbo, it is the confirmation that they are now safe and that they can rebuild their lives. But the next steps are not without challenges: adapting to a new country, finding housing and employment, navigating government services and learning a new language. If refugees are to have the best prospects for realising their potential and successfully integrating into their new communities, most will require support in the early period of transition.
In the UK this transition is known as the 'move-on' period, in which refugees have 28 days to move from asylum support and housing to mainstream benefits and their own accommodation.
UNHCR's report, 'An Uncertain Future' presents the voices of newly recognised refugees and the insights of the organisations that support them during the move-on process. Based on these perspectives we make a number of recommendations to the UK Government to aid them as they seek to make improvements to this process.