UNHCR provides equipment to improve freedom of movement at five entry/exit checkpoints in the east of Ukraine

UNHCR provides equipment to improve freedom of movement at five entry/exit checkpoints in the east of Ukraine
This time, UNHCR provided Ukrainian authorities with computers and body cameras. 150 video-cameras and 3 laptops were handed to the State Border Guard Service.
They will be used at fife entry/exit checkpoints in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, where thousands of people commute daily between GCA and NGCA.
Given that in 2018 there were 13,6 million crossings through the contact line, there is a need to further facilitate conditions for such a big amount of people to ensure to a possible extent a safe and fast passage.

On the government-controlled side and with funding from various donor countries, UNHCR and its partners provide a range of support to facilitate freedom of movement and to improve conditions for people waiting to cross the ‘contact line’ including:
■ UNHCR’s NGO partner Proliska provides individual accompaniment for vulnerable individuals facing difficulties while crossing the ‘contact line’. The UNHCR has provided 19 wheelchairs to Mayorsk and Stanytsia Luhanska to facilitate the crossing of vulnerable elderly persons. Crossing conditions at Stanytsia Luhanska EECP are of particular concern as it is the only pedestrian EECP and the only EECP serving the entire Luhansk region.
■ UNHCR’s NGO partners monitor the protection environment in Donetsk and Luhansk regions by maintaining a field presence near the ‘contact line’, and by conducting regular monitoring and emergency response missions to checkpoints. www.unhcr.org 3

■ From January to October 2018, UNHCR’s partner the Right to Protection (R2P) interviewed 21,585 persons crossing all five checkpoints. This year, UNHCR and R2P compiled an online dashboard that is updated on a monthly basis https://goo.gl/fZxXD1Link is external.
■ UNHCR has provided 14 fully furnished booths and 78 laptop computers to the State Border Guard Service (SBGS) at the five checkpoints in 2017.
■ UNHCR has provided eight heated tents to the State Emergency Service (SES) for civilians waiting to cross the ‘contact line’. Since 2016, UNHCR also built or provided materials for temporary weather shelters, including sunshades, benches and fences. Some weather shelters have been replaced or even upgraded by the authorities.
■ UNHCR delivered 50 body cameras to SBGS at the Mayorsk checkpoint to prevent corruption. UNHCR will continue its cooperation with the SBGS on prevention of abuse and corruption.
■ UNHCR’s partners R2P and the Norwegian Refugee Council provide protection counselling and legal assistance at the checkpoints providing improved access to relevant information regarding human rights. The Government of Ukraine also provides access to free legal assistance in some EECPs.
■ UNHCR installed information stands and boxes of leaflets and brochures, which facilitates the access of persons crossing with information on different services in the GCA, including references to other NGOs, Government services, state institutions and legal aid providers. In Stanytsia Luhanska, UNHCR supported the installation of loudspeakers to disseminate information about services and information about emergencies and whether shelling is happening near the EECP.
UNHCR’s support to the EECPs in eastern Ukraine aims at promoting effective and dignified crossing procedures for its persons of concern as they cross back and forth across the ‘contact line’ in eastern Ukraine as well as facilitate freedom of movement.
Read more on UNHCR support at entry/exit checkpoints https://bit.ly/2UZRKkjLink is external