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The Tamer Family Foundation

“Join me to empower refugee youth by enabling them to access quality education. I am committed to help raise awareness and funds to ensure that more refugees pursue their secondary education and do not drop out so that they can have a successful future.”

Ayman Tamer, Chairman and Managing Partner, Tamer Group


About the partnership

Since: 2013

Locations: Global

The Tamer Family Foundation is the philanthropic arm of the Tamer Group.  It promotes wellness and healthy living and aims to support the most vulnerable persons in the world, through empowering projects and initiatives that empower youth, women in particular.

The Tamer Family Foundation (formerly Tamer Group) first worked with UNHCR in 2013 to support UNHCR’s work inside Syria. Since then, TFF has made an annually incremental gift broadly earmarked to Syrian refugees but may be used elsewhere, where most needed and where UNHCR has a funding gap.

To date, the Tamer Family Foundation has donated US$475,000, and in 2019, pledged to support youth education with a gift of US$1 million over four years, US$250,000 per year, 2019-2022.

Impact at a glance

  • Cumulative financial gifts of USD$1,425,000
Contact us

If you are interested in exploring a partnership with UNHCR, please contact us at