Global Refugee Forum
- Global Refugee Forum â Concept Note
- Global Refugee Forum â Flyer
- Roadmap towards the Global Refugee Forum
- Structure of the Global Refugee Forum â Information Note
- Global Refugee Forum Q & A (pdf version)
- Global Compact on Refugees â Booklet
- Global Refugee Forum â Posters (print ready)
- Refugee engagement and participation in the Global Refugee Forum
- Joint Letter from GRF co-convenors (2019)
- Letter from co-hosts and co-conveners of the GRF (English)
- Letter from co-hosts and co-conveners of the GRF (French)
- Global Refugee Forum â Lessons Learned
Pledges and contributions and good practices
- Global Refugee Forum 2019 â Towards High-Level Outcomes
- Preliminary considerations on pledges and contributions
- Guidance Note on Pledges and Contributions and Good Practices
- Protection Capacity: Examples of outcomes and pledges
- GRF Pledging Guidance â Global Framework for Refugee Education
- Initiative for Child Rights in the Global Compacts: Implementing the Global Compact on Refugees for Children â Examples of Child-Focused Work
Asylum capacity support group
Measuring impact
- Summary of the first workshop â "Measuring the impact arising from hosting, protecting and assisting refugees"
- Summary of second workshop â "Measuring the impact arising from hosting, protecting and assisting refugees"
- World Bank presentation: Towards better refugee protection and responsibility-sharing. Measuring host-countries contributions
The three year strategy
Global Academic Interdisciplinary Network (GAIN)
- Information note
- For more information please contact
Cross-cutting resources
UNSW â Gender audits:
- Jobs and livelihoods
- Education
- Energy and infrastructure
- Facilitating solutions
- Protection Capacity
- Responsibility-sharing
- GRF Gender Audit, Final Report (16-18 December 2019)
- Conference Report: The Other 1% â Refugees at Institutions for Higher Education Worldwide (18-19th June 2019, Berlin)Link is external
- Outcome document of the USA pre-GRF Meeting (InterAction, 28 October 2019)
- Pledging guidance