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World Refugee Day 2004: Sierra Leone

World Refugee Day 2004: Sierra Leone

20 June 2004


A press release on World Refugee Day was broadcast by all radio stations across the country. The release also appeared on several newspapers. The UNHCR Representative read the High Commissioner's message on national TV, which was followed by interviews by UNHCR staff in Freetown and Kenema.

A march with musical entertainment, drawings from refugees, school children, government officials and NGOs was organised. Huge banners displaying this year's theme were carried by the different groups.

At the Victoria Park in Freetown, statements were read by a representative of the refugees, the UNHCR Representative and the Commissioner of NaCSA on behalf of the government. The event was followed by cultural performances organised by the refugees.

A football match was played between the refugees and UNHCR staff in Freetown. The same activities took place throughout the country.