Assistance to refugees in Africa
Assistance to refugees in Africa
2040 (XX)
2040. Assistance to refugees in Africa
The General Assembly,
Having taken note of the fact that major refugee problems continue to arise in various parts of Africa,
Realizing that substantial resources must be mobilized in order to provide the refugees with immediate assistance and constructive aid so that they can support themselves in the host country until they can return to their country of origin,
Noting with satisfaction that the African States are showing a continuing interest in the problems of refugees by generously receiving refugees in a truly humanitarian spirit and by acceding in increasing numbers to the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees,1
Having taken note with satisfaction of the efforts made by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the World Food Programme, the specialized agencies and many non-governmental organizations to solve the problems of refugees in Africa,
Having regard to the need to provide the means essential to uninterrupted continuation of the work of assisting refugees in Africa,
1. Commends the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the other inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations for their untiring efforts on behalf of refugees in Africa;
2. Invites States Members of the United Nations and members of the specialized agencies to devote special attention to the problems of refugees in Africa and to co-operate actively with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees by placing the necessary means at his disposal, particularly in the form of increased financial contributions to the programmes of the High Commissioner's Office.
1390th plenary meeting,
7 December 1965
1 United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 189 (1954) No. 2545