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International co-operation to avert new flows of refugees

Executive Committee Meetings

International co-operation to avert new flows of refugees

16 December 1985

International co-operation to avert new flows of refugees

The General Assembly,

Reaffirming its resolutions 36/148 of 16 December 1981, 37/121 of 16 December 1982, 38/84 of 15 December 1983 and 39/100 of 14 December 1984 on international co-operation to avert new flows of refugees,

Having examined the report of the Group of Governmental Experts on International Co-operation to Avert New Flows of Refugees,

Considering the urgency, magnitude and complexity of the task before the Group of Governmental Experts,

Welcoming the fact that experts coming from least developed countries were enabled to participate in the 1984 and 1985 sessions of the Group,

Recognizing the necessity of having all the experts participate in the future sessions of the Group,

1. Welcomes the report of the Group of Governmental Experts on International Co-operation to Avert New Flows of Refugees, including its recommendations, as a further constructive step in the fulfilment of its mandate;

2. Reaffirms and extends the mandate of the Group of Governmental Experts as defined in General Assembly resolutions 36/148 and 37/121;

3. Calls upon the Secretary-General, without prejudice to the rule contained in resolution 36/148, to continue to assist, as far as possible and by way of exception, the experts coming from least developed countries, appointed by the Secretary-General, to participate fully in the work of the Group of Governmental Experts, in order to fulfil its mandate;

4. Calls upon the Group of Governmental Experts to work expeditiously on the fulfilment of its mandate in two sessions of two weeks' duration each during 1986 and to conclude its comprehensive review of the problem in all its aspects;

5. Requests the Group of Governmental Experts to submit its report in time for consideration by the General Assembly at its forty-first session;

6. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its forty-first session the item entitled "International co-operation to avert new flows of refugees"..