National Activity Plan 2006: Italy and Malta
National Activity Plan 2006: Italy and Malta
UNHCR organised initiatives:
Conference "Per non perdere la speranza"
- 20 June at SIOI (Italian Society for international Organizations);
- Speakers: Mr. Paolo Ferrero (Italian Minister of Social Solidarity), Ms. Marcella Lucidi (Italian Undersecretary of Interior, in charge for immigration), Mr. Vittorio Craxi (Italian Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs), Mr. Fabio Sturani (Deputy President of the Italian Association of Municipalities, in charge for immigration), Mr. Khaled Fouad Allam (member of Italian Parliament and journalist), Mr. Walter Irvine (UNHCR Regional Representative in Italy). Two refugees will tell the audience their stories of HOPE and footage by a national channel journalist will be shown;
- Expected attendance: 150, including refugees, journalists, politicians, academics, NGOs, associations, students and general public;
- During the conference a UNHCR/NGOs joint appeal for the adopting of a comprehensive asylum law by Italy, resulting from a joint document prepared in co-operation with several NGOs, will be launched;
- Moreover, during the conference the WRD TV spot - produced by UNHCR Rome PI Section - will be shown and specific print material distributed.
Photo Exhibition
- 20 June at SIOI.
- Photos on mixed migratory mixed flows from Niger to Italy by Armando Di Loreto, under the project "Verso un destino";
- Expected attendance: 150.
Training for RAI journalists "Diritti umani e sicurezza, una convivenza difficile?"
- 14 June at RAI headquarters in Rome. RAI is the main national TV and radio company, with 3 via ether channels, some 20 regional news units and several satellite and digital channels;
- The session was aimed to promote awareness and correct information (terminology, principles, humanitarian crises, refugee and asylum related issues) through journalists, who play a crucial role in orientating public opinion;
- Speakers: Marcello Flores (University of Siena), Giovanni Gozzini (University of Siena), Anton Giulio Lana (Lawyers Union for Human Rights), Laura Boldrini (UNHCR spokesperson) and Aldo Forbice (RAI journalist);
- Attendance: over 30 RAI journalists, from TV and radio channels;
- The session has been recognised by RAI trade union USIGRAI and included in the professional training curricula of journalists.
UNHCR will also support and take part in other initiatives, including:
Theatre Representation, "Le Troiane" by Euripides
- 18 June, Greek Theatre in Siracusa (Sicily);
- The event will be introduced by the speech of a refugee woman who survived a shipwreck while attempting to reach Italian coast, and by PI Officer;
- Capacity of the theatre: 15,000;
Conference organized by Centro Astalli / Jesuit Refugee Service "The image of migrants in Italy"
- 13 June, Rome;
- PI Officer took part in the debate on media and immigration;
- Speakers: Undersecretary of State of Interior, academics, journalists, UNHCR spokesperson;
- Attendance: over 150.
Conference organized by Province of Milan
- 16 June, Milan;
- PI Officer will take part in the conference;
- The Province organized a "Refugee Week", including a series of initiatives in co- operation with several associations.
World Refugee Day Material:
WRD TV and radio spots
- 30" versions, produced by PI Rome.
- Through the TV spot - showing a typical mixed flow vessel in the Mediterranean, and focusing on the stories of certain persons aboard - we aim to increase knowledge and awareness on the difference between economic migrants and asylum seekers / refugees.
- TV spot will be broadcast by major national channels (3 Mediaset channels), sat channels (30 broadcast on all Sky TV channels, owner of the rights for the FIFA World Cup), local channels. Confirmation by RAI and La7 national channels are expected.
- Radio spot has been sent to most Italian national and local radio channels: an average of 4 broadcasts a day - during the whole month of June - has been confirmed until now.
WRD leaflet
- PI Rome produced an 8 page leaflet, including a general text on UNHCR and WRD, a specific text on WRD 2006 theme ("Hope"), a refugee story and a photo gallery;
- Contents, layout and production by PI Rome in line with HQ's WRD poster;
- Printed copies: 8,000.
"Refugees" magazine
- Italian version. It includes a 4 pages insert on refugees and asylum seekers in Italy, produced in co-operation with National Asylum Programme and Association of Italian Municipalities (ANCI).
- Printed copies: 15,000.
Other material
- High Commissioner Guterres video message;
- Angelina Jolie spot;
- Footage on UNHCR operations in the world produced by HQs;
- Italian version of 20 June press release on WRD;
- Press release to launch WRD focused on Italy;
- Italian version of 9 June press release on Global Refugee Trends;
- PI press kit: 18 thematic fact sheets on refugees and UNHCR's activity worldwide.
- Special pages on WRD 2006 on Italian website;
- This material will be distributed and promoted during the UNHCR conference and any other WRD occasion.
PI material has also been distributed to several municipalities, NGOs and associations all over Italy, which will organize events or initiatives for WRD, including:
- ANCI Umbria (Regional Association of Municipalities);
- Civil protection;
- Provinces of: Lecco and Parma;
- Municipalities of: Agrigento, Bologna, Brescia, Caltanissetta, Chiasso, Chiesanuova (TO), Codroipo (UD), Cosenza, Favara (AG), Genova, Ivrea (TO), Padova, Siracusa, Trepuzzi (LE);
- NGOs and associations, including: AGESCI, Amnesty (Bologna), Caritas (Firenze, Milano, Roma, Ravenna, Trieste), Centro Astalli / JRS (Catania) and many others.
Planned media coverage
In addition to TV and radio reports, we expect the following press coverage:
- Famiglia Cristiana (the most diffused weekly magazine in Italy): op-ed by UNHCR Spokesperson;
- Metropoli (Sunday annex on immigration of the most diffused newspaper in Italy, La Repubblica): 2 pages with pictures, articles and a refugee story;
- Corriere della Sera (second most widespread newspaper in Italy): refugee story and figures on refugees and asylum applications;
- Io Donna (Saturday women magazine enclosed with Corriere della Sera): refugee story;
- Venerdì di Repubblica (Friday news magazine enclosed with La Repubblica): box with UNHCR figures;
- La Repubblica (most widespread newspaper in Italy): HC Guterres op-ed on intolerance; a manchette for the launch of 20 June conference has been purchased;
- Specchio (Saturday news magazine enclosed to the third most diffused Italian newspaper La Stampa): special report on Afghanistan with UNHCR fact sheet.
- To lessen negative attitudes among nationals on refugees and asylum seekers, an institutional conference on World Refugee Day will be attended. (Malta).
- To encourage a positive public attitude on refugees and asylum seekers, a photo exhibition will be organized. (Malta).