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World Refugee Day 2004 National Activity Plan: Japan

World Refugee Day 2004 National Activity Plan: Japan

20 June 2004

Festivities at the Congolese refugee settlement of Sungi in Bengo province. © UNHCR Angola

From 1-11 June, a photo and panel exhibition will take place in Kwansei Gakuin University. On this occasion, the High Commissioner for Refugees will make a speech.

From 18 June to 14 July, the World Refugee Day "Refugee Photo" exhibition will be held in the hall of the UN University building in Tokyo, featuring photos of refugees from Africa and Myanmar, as well as returnees in Afghanistan and Sri Lanka. Another photo exhibition has been planned in the western region.

The opening will take place on 18 June, including a speech by the UNHCR Deputy Representative about his mission in Chad and a speech about the Afghan situation. Renowned Japanese photographer Numata and a candidate of Miss Universe Japan 2003 will be invited to say a few words about their first visit to a refugee camp in Thailand.

Students in Omotesando will be able to attend lectures and workshops on refugees. Similar lectures and short talks with refugees in Japan will also be organised.

On 24 June, UNHCR staff will conduct a presentation on refugee issues at Meguro District Educational Committee to raise awareness among the public.

From 19 June to 14 July, people can apply for lectures on refugee issues. The request form is available at (link is external)www.unhcr.or.jpLink is external

UNHCR will present refugee issues and its activities to several universities - Osaka University on 24 June, Kobe Gakuin University on 29 June, and Tokyo Keizai University on 26 June and 4 July.

UNHCR will also organise a photo exhibition that will take place from 26 June to 4 July in Tokyo Keizai University.