Standing Committee 6th Meeting, 47th Session: Agenda
Standing Committee 6th Meeting, 47th Session: Agenda
30 January 1997
6th Meeting
1. Adoption of the agenda
2. Adoption of the draft report of the fifth meeting of the Standing Committee (19 December 1996)
The draft report of the fifth meeting of the Standing Committee, which was held on 19 December 1996, is contained in document EC/47/SC/CRP. 4, as is the decision adopted at that meeting.
3. Programme and funding matters
The Standing Committee will consider updated information relating to UNHCR's 1996 and 1997 programmes and funding projections, including 1997 revised budgetary estimates; a review of the funding situation and strategies, use of the Emergency Fund, Programme Reserve and Voluntary Repatriation Fund; the distribution of activities under General and Special Programmes; the regular budget. (Overall Programme and Funding Projections for 1996 and 1997, EC/47/SC/CRP.5)
4. Situation reports
(i) Update on Regional Developments in Central Asia, South-West Asia, North Africa and the Middle East (EC/47/SC/CRP.6);
(ii) Oral update on the situation in the Great Lakes region of Africa.
5. Programme policy issues
The following documentation will be before the Standing Committee for consideration: Social and Economic Impact of Large Refugee Populations on Host Developing Countries (EC/47/SC/CRP. 7) and Progress Report: Refugees and the Environment (EC/47/SC/CRP. 8).
6. Coordination issues
The Standing Committee will consider a report submitted by the Department for Humanitarian Affairs, Progress on the Follow-Up to ECOSOC Resolution 1995/56 (EC/47/SC/CRP. 9).
7. Reports relating to Oversight
(i) Internal Audit (EC/47/SC/CRP.10);
(ii) Lessons Learnt from the Burundi and Rwanda Emergencies: Conclusions of an Internal Review Process (EC/47/SC/CRP. 11) and UNHCR's Evaluation Activities for 1997 (EC/47/SC/CRP. 12).
8. Management and financial issues
The Standing Committee will consider and Update to Project Delphi (EC/47/SC/CRP. 13).
9. Any other business