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Lebanon hosts close to 470,000 registered school-aged Syrian refugee children and youth between 3 – 23-years-old (source UNHCR Registration as of September 2023). These individuals face various challenges in accessing both formal and non-formal education.

Lebanon hosts close to 470,000 registered school-aged Syrian refugee children and youth between 3 – 23-years-old (source UNHCR Registration as of September 2023). These individuals face various challenges in accessing both formal and non-formal education.




According to the 2023 Vasyr results, key barriers to education for Syrians in Lebanon include the cost of transportation 30%, the cost of education materials 27%, schools not allowing registration 11%, having to work 9%. Notably, 44% of school-aged refugee children (ages 6-17) did not attend school, and only 35% of youth (aged 15-24 years) have never been to school (Vasyr 2022). Additionally, 59% of Syrian youth (15-24) are not employed, not in education and not attending any training.  

In recent years, Lebanon has faced a challenging period, significantly affecting the education sector, particularly for children. The economic collapse has triggered intermittent teacher strikes, resulting in prolonged and repeated school closures during the 2022-23 academic year. These disruptions have prevented the complete delivery of the curriculum, notably impacting learning outcomes. The cumulative effect of these challenges has taken a toll on individual learners and their families, with long-term repercussions on children's educational achievement expected to endure for years.

Persistent barriers to education, including transportation fees, a lack of school materials, and administrative constraints, continue to hinder access to quality education. Documentation issues pose a significant hurdle at the secondary and tertiary levels, potentially impeding academic progress. Furthermore, the security unrest and crises in the south, beginning in the last quarter of 2023, have further exacerbated challenges, particularly affecting the enrollment of refugee students in displacement situations, their access to retention support and Out of School access to Basic literacy and numeracy programs.  

UNHCR's Education Advocacy and Initiatives Highlights:

  • UNHCR actively advocates for the inclusion of refugee children in the Ministry of Education and Higher Education 5-year general education plan, ensuring equal access across all academic levels, focusing on vulnerability, operationalizing public education, learning recovery, and system reforms.
  • UNHCR proposes evidence-based facts to support advocacy efforts, engaging through sector-level task teams, and education donors' working groups
  • UNHCR supports the identification of afternoon schools, accessible to the refugee community and with trained personnel for quality education delivery accessible to refugees.
  • UNHCR deploys Education Community Liaison Volunteers in afternoon schools to bridge communication, mitigate violence, and create a safe environment.
  • UNHCR provides community-based education programs and activities which include but are not limited to 1) parents' community groups to facilitate parental involvement in children’s education, 2) Basic Literacy and Numeracy programs, facilitating the transition to Formal Education, or vocational education , 3) Retention support activities throughout the year, including peer-to-peer support, Foreign language group support, Homework support, catch up classes for students sitting for official exams and structured activities addressing specific learning gaps to mitigate drop-out risks.
  • UNHCR in collaboration with UNICEF, WFP, USAID, and technical partners provided support to MEHE in implementing the 2023 Summer School, addressing lost learning and delivering activities promoting physical well-being and social cohesion.
  • UNHCR implements certified short vocational trainings under the Youth Education Program to empower Lebanese and refugee youth, facilitating access to decent work and contributing to inclusive economic growth. This program fostered strategic collaborations with key governmental entities, UN agencies, field experts from the private sector, and non-governmental organizations, to ensure an impactful execution and expansion of the project contributing to its overall success.
  • UNHCR Lebanon is a pilot country to illustrate and guide strategic engagement towards the 15by30 roadmap, defining opportunities for investment in refugee higher education across five main pillars via independent enrolment in national higher education institutions, technical and vocational education and training (TVET) institutions, the DAFI scholarship program, Connected Higher Education programs and complementary education pathways.
  • UNHCR offers qualified refugee students the possibility to earn an undergraduate degree in Lebanon through the DAFI scholarship program. The DAFI program empowers students to contribute knowledge and provides role models for refugee children and youth. The program has supported over 700 students since 2014.

Read our latest Education Fact Sheet in English.