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Persons with specific needs

Persons with specific needs

Women, children and persons with speci­fic needs, including persons with disabilities, older persons and LGBTI, are particularly affected as the difficult living conditions heighten their susceptibility to abuse and exploitation and put them at risk of irreversible and lasting harm.

Priority is given by UNHCR to refugees with specific needs and vulnerabilities, including (i) physical or mental disability, (ii) chronic illness, (iii) temporary illness or injury, (iv) serious medical condition, and (v) people who need support in basic daily activities. Some 63 per cent of households have at least one member with specific needs.
Lady in pink standing holding a cane

Women, children and persons with speci­fic needs, including persons with disabilities, older persons and LGBTI, are particularly affected as the difficult living conditions heighten their susceptibility to abuse and exploitation and put them at risk of irreversible and lasting harm.

Priority is given by UNHCR to refugees with specific needs and vulnerabilities, including (i) physical or mental disability, (ii) chronic illness, (iii) temporary illness or injury, (iv) serious medical condition, and (v) people who need support in basic daily activities. Some 63 per cent of households have at least one member with specific needs.


UNHCR is proactively identifying and supporting refugees with specific needs through the prevention and response mechanisms available with public institutions, and by social workers and civil society partners. With the aim of further strengthening the national institutions, UNHCR continues to support the Ministry of Social Affairs’ social development centres, where refugees with all backgrounds can access services and counseling and take part in activities and skills trainings spanning livelihood to literacy, to boost their resilience.

Refugees with specific needs, including survivors of violence, are rapidly identified and immediately referred for protection and/or assistance interventions, including specialized medical, legal, administrative and/or cash-based assistance.