Communications with Communities - How to Reach Us
Communications with Communities - How to Reach Us
Core to the work of UNHCR and its partners in Lebanon, is ensuring that the people with and for whom we work have access to timely, accurate and relevant information for their own protection and decision making, as well as to effective feedback and complaints mechanism. To that end, several Communication with Communication channels have been established.
National Call Centre
The National Call Center (NCC) is one of the formal entry points for refugees to contact UNHCR. All calls are first responded to by the NCC, and some are then referred to field hotlines for counselling or further referrals to partners. Received calls comprise requests for registration appointments, queries about services and assistance and protection related concerns.
The NCC is operational from Monday to Friday from 8:00 am till 5:00 pm at +9614726111
UNHCR Online Contact Form
The Online Contact Form on the ‘Contact Us’ page of the UNHCR Lebanon HELP website (replacing is an important channel for two-way communication between UNHCR and refugees, asylum-seekers and stateless persons.
All other general emails to UNHCR should be directed to
UNHCR Help Lebanon Website
The Help Lebanon website serves as an online protection tool, and repository of trusted information for refugees, asylum seekers and stateless persons on their rights and entitlements, as well as the services and assistance available to them. The website is accessible from here.

Multi-thematic informative videos can be found on UNHCR Lebanon page on YouTubeLink is external.