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ITB/2021/029 – For the Establishment of (2+1) Year Frame Agreement For the Supply & Delivery of Material for Shelter Kits

ITB/2021/029 – For the Establishment of (2+1) Year Frame Agreement For the Supply & Delivery of Material for Shelter Kits

25 August 2021

Dear Sir/Madam,


Please find enclosed Invitation to Bid (ITB/2021/029) for the establishment of (2+1) year frame agreement for the Supply and Delivery of Material for Shelter Kits - for UNHCR (Lebanon).


We would appreciate you informing us by return e-mail to ( and ( as to:

  • Your confirmation of receipt of this invitation to bid
  • Whether or not you will be submitting an offer


The following annexes form integral part of the ITB:

For further details please refer to ITB cover letter:

  • Tender launching/advertisement date: 23rd of August 2021
  • Tender closure date and time: on or before 04 October 2021 at 23:59hrs Beirut, local time.
  • Refer to point (2.3) in the ITB cover letter for clarification or questions in respect of this tender.


For further information on submission of bids, please refer to point no. (2.7) in the ITB cover letter. Offers must be submitted electronically to the email address:, clearly indicating the following in the subject line of the email.  Please do NOT address your offer to other UNHCR contact person. Offers addressed to others will be marked invalid and will not be considered for evaluation.

  • ITB/2021/029
  • Company name
  • Type of Offer: Technical or Financial 
  • Number of emails sent (for example: 1/2, 2/2 etc.)

Thank you.